
9 1 0

...Worlds torn apart...

Can you feel nostalgic for a person who doesn't exist?

...Universes folding...

Or who you've never met?

...Minds bending...

A place you've never been?

...Eyes watering...

A time you've never spent?

...Mouth opening...

An event that never went?

...Words formulating...

A friend you never knew?

...Heart preparing...

What is that bittersweet emptiness?

...Sentences forming...

Is it nostalgia?

...Gauging reactions...

Is it wishful thinking?

...Reactions negative...

Does anyone know?

...Red alert, hiding...

Will I ever know?

...They hate us, dying...

Something about an old friend you never knew draws me in

Something about a life I never lived makes me think

...heart closing...

...seeing lights...

...warm embrace...

...makes me smile...

...she doesn't hate me...

A life never lived

...Maybe i'm ok here...

I never did.

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