Well... fuck.

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Well.. fuck.
I'm sad again.
I'm crying for no reason again.
I'm overwhelmed for the most minuscule of things again.
I'm down in my knees for nothing again.

Well... fuck.
I'm scared again.
Scared of nothing, and everything all over again.
Scared of what's to come, and what's already been again.
Scared of climbing too far and then falling again.

Well... fuck.
I'm angry again.
I'm having an angry outburst again.
I'm angry and them AND my self again.
I'm angry I can't have control again.

Well... FUCK.
I've failed again.
Failed at school, at life, at friends again.
Failed at controlling myself again.
Failed at making real connections again.

Look at me again.
Going on a ranting spree again.
Trying not to be a burden again.
Trying to jump every hurdle myself again.

well... shit.
It's over again.
But I know that it will return again
and when it does I'll go through this all again.
So I'll have to try to get better till then.

-authors note-
Guys I'm not doing super badly.. my life's just been kinda stressful rn.. school year started, this year has a lot more homework than the last.. I just needed to let off some steam. So don't worry, ok?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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