Chapter One-Encounter

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Information: {From Reusable}

Picture above- Gordon Browne (1858-1932) drew this vintage illustration which was included in National Rhymes of the Nursery.

Standing before Athena was the most breathtaking man, she had ever lay eyes upon. Her green eyes couldn't seem to keep away. Athena seems to have a fixation on a man named Elliot. she had never taken interest romantically to anyone, but Elliot seemed to be the first to ever do so. It wasn't because she was unattractive, or her personality was unbearable, that she couldn't get a guy, actually it was the opposite. She has white long wavy hair, that is as white as the snow, green eyes, that resemble a gemstone called emerald. She has a nice hourglass figure.

She was known as the most beautiful girl in her nation. She was surrounded by good-looking guys in heaven, and she also stumble upon attractive men on earth. unfortunately, she, couldn't wear her long wavy white hair. The color of her hair was unusual to the humans on earth. So instead, she turned her hair black. 

Elliot who had blond hair and blue eyes, was caught off guard, by a raven haired woman

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Elliot who had blond hair and blue eyes, was caught off guard, by a raven haired woman. 

She had accidently bumped into the man who had caught his attention. 

"Sorry!" Athena apologized.

"It's alright, no need to apologize, three times. He said with a faceless expression."  

Two minutes had passed, and they both went their separate ways. But fate had other ideas instore for them.

"Once I go to heaven, I'm going to give Gabriel a piece of mind, for dragging me around the small city, like a lost puppy. It's not like I can spread my wings and fly, without anyone noticing me. But..., I could teleport, but I don't know the small city well-enough to do so."

Athena finally, stumbled upon the address she was given by Gabriel. She had interview to attend to. 

"Athena? what are you doing here?"

"I came here for the interview." she replied.

She wasn't surprised, about Elliot being her boss and interviewer. In fact, she already knew it would be him. Thanks to Gabriel. 

"My sole purpose is to surpass my siblings, become ruler of a popular section in heaven, which is known as Salace, but first I must beat my siblings."

"That's why, no matter what, I will watch and protect Elliot until the age of forty in humans' years." She said with a determine look in her face.

Sadly, everything changed when a blond woman, with amber eyes, appeared, in Elliot's life. The distance between, Athena and Elliot grew wider by the passing days, the blond woman happened to be Oliva. Apparently, Oliva seems to have Elliot rapped around her fingers. 

A war had taken place. the city was in chaos. Bodies being thrown around, like lifeless rag dolls. Bloods of people dancing within the mist. The smells of rotting flesh burned Athena's nose. Her faced was filled with disgust and anger, at the dreadful sight.

"I've always love you, Elliot!"

"I'm sorry but I'm in love with Oliva."  he replied.

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