hello everyone!

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hey all my lovely readers!

as you have probably read from the description, this story revolves around millie stark/black and how she is called to save the wizarding world from impending disaster.

this story also follows millie as she navigates romance (yep, I said it, our girl gets a boyfriend or two), her school life, and keeping the secret that she isn't who she really seems. 

now without too many spoilers, I would like to explain the quick development of our main character. in the first couple of chapters that she's in the wizarding world, it seems like she's adjusted super fast to her new environment, but I would like to say that dumbledore had already planted memories inside of her head (plus basically the whole wizarding worlds head) so it seemed like she was never not there. it's like she lived her full life there, and was never not a witch. so she already had the "habits" and stuff that she didn't know previously, ingrained in her brain because it was like she always knew how to do it.

alrightie, sorry for my rant there :) 

also, I am still a developing writer (as everyone is too, nobody's perfect), so I would appreciate no rude comments, but I would love some positive criticism because I would love to improve my work.

on that topic - these first couple chapters were written a while back, so they're not as good as the chapters that will come later on, but I promise it's not all bad.

and I would like add that I do not support j.k rowling or any of her views (yes, yes, I know this is a marauders era fic, but let's be honest, us fans basically created that).

I also do include a fancast, but you are free to imagine the character as you like (also note: this story does start when they are in first year, so the fancast people will change as they grow).

and last but not least - I would like to warn you all that my updating times aren't that consistent, but I will try to update when I can.

love your writer, 

tiya veda 

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