Hurt & Comfort.

632 32 4

Third Pov
Minor mentions of panic attacks. Please read under your own care.

"That won't be necessary, I'm fine," Danielle says with a weak smile. The younger's curiosity was gnawing at her from the inside, yet she couldn't pinpoint why.

"You sure?" Haerin persists, and Danielle nods. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Dani-unnie. Take care."

With that, Haerin steps out of the dark room, casting one last look at Danielle before she walks down the hallway.

Danielle closes the door and runs her fingers through her hair, closing her eyes, seeking tranquility. The stillness of the dark living room offers her a momentary solace.

She settles onto the sofa and collapses onto her side, her gaze drifting away, fixated on her reflection in the blank TV screen. "Such a mess," she murmurs.

'A mess that you can't manage, you're so worthless,' her thoughts retort.

Deep down, Danielle knew that her consciousness had a mind of its own, separate from hers. It felt as though she has no control over her emotions and words.

Life seemed to be on fast-forward, and she was just a spectator to her own unfolding drama.

Her needs or desires were never considered. She was always to come second, without room for complaint.

Perhaps that very factor played a role in shaping who she is today.

Regardless of the reason, she seemed destined to be this way, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Hanni-unnie," Danielle's voice was muffled by her sofa, "When you asked about Professor Kim, I wasn't completely honest."

That was what she should've said.

"You lied to me about Professor Kim?" Hanni's words echoed in Danielle's mind, filling her with guilt for such a blatant lie.

How could she have faced Hanni and lied so brazenly?

And Hanni's comment about Danielle being "the most talented and amazing painter she had seen in the class" wasn't entirely true.

Even Hanni's own paintings were crafted more exquisitely than Danielle's.

Not that it was necessarily a bad thing, just unexpected, especially since Hanni didn't seem to take the class seriously.

"What am I even doing?" Danielle smacks her forehead.

Heaving herself off the couch, she drags herself back down the lengthy hallway back to her bedroom, burdened by the idea of attending classes the next morning.

She wishes she could simply vanish. Everything felt so exhausting.


Danielle's Pov

I've missed all of my morning classes, not just once, but twice as of today. And no one has checked up on me.

Although, I shouldn't expect constant coddling.

It would take a lot of time out of someone's day, and I would feel guilty for wasting so much of their valuable time.

Yet, I must admit, it's ignorant of me to think that Hanni hasn't tried reaching out these past two days. She certainly would have.

I always find some silly excuse not to answer my phone and update her on my well-being, which I know is entirely optional for Hanni, yet she consistently chose the latter. Why?

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