Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    Lynn's apartment was twice the size of ours. I stared around amazed as I ate my sandwich with Spencer at the kitchen island.

    "Hey Spence, how many bedrooms does this place have?" Spencer got a wicked grin on his face and looked at me seductively.  I burst out laughing at his attempt to be sexy.

    "Stop it! Just one, you and I are gonna have to share, Sweetcheeks." He said with a wink.  I chuckled and threw away my sandwich wrapper.  Getting up from my chair, I began to wander the apartment, locating the bathroom, one bedroom, a workout room, and a fourth door I was wary about entering.  I called out to Spencer asking if he knew what was in the fourth room.  He walked up behind me, startling me, and said,

    "No clue, let's take a look."  He took the last few steps towards the door and slowly turned the knob.  Pushing the door ajar, he peeked his head in.  His shoulders slumped in dissappointment.

    "It's just a dumb office." he said.

    "Why do you look so disappointed?" I asked, confused.

    "I thought there was gonna be an enormous entertainment center in there. Lynn's boyfriend Bennett? His father is loaded! That's why they can afford this apartment together. They're defnitely not paying for this on two student bookstore salaries."

    "Oh, I never knew that. I had never even met... Bennett? That's a nice name."

    "Bennett is nice.. all of him." Spencer winked again and I smacked him on the shoulder and laughed heading back to the kitchen to grab my bag.

    "I'm gonna go put my stuff away. Do you wanna watch a movie?" I called to him. As I walked past the door to the office I noticed it had swung all the way open. I dropped my bag inside the bedroom door and walked over to look inside. Obviously Spencer hadn't looked around the room too thoroughly. The left side of the room held a desk, chair, and computer giving the impression of an office. But to the right there was an upright piano. I called Spencer over as I flicked the lightswitch on.

    "Did you see that in here?" I asked looking at him and then it. He glanced at the piano and grinned. Pushing past me he strode to the piano, and flipped out his imaginary coat tails to sit on the bench before the piano. Chuckling I walked up behind him as his fingers glided across the keys playing one of the songs we were singing in choir.

    "You happen to bring your music? I only know the background and my part on the piano... we could practice." Slowly I nodded.

    "Yes I did. But I really do want to watch a movie," I spun on my heel and walked out to the living room area which was the size of my bedroom across the hall, and to a large movie collection. "What do you want to watch?" I asked as Spencer walked into the room behind me.

    "Easy A. They have it," he said, cutting off the question I had barely opened my mouth to ask. "I looked at their movie collection once I walked in the door. It's loaded in the DVD player. All we have to do is turn the TV on." I looked at him appraisingly. Spence was efficient when it came to things he really wanted to do. I grabbed a blanket from a basket next to the couch and sat, curling my legs under me. Spencer grabbed his pillow and a blanket of his own and stretched out on the chaise lounge adjacent to the sofa, we settled in to watch the movie.

(93 minutes later)

    "I love that movie" Spencer said with his fist in the air in immitation of Olive and Tod riding away on the lawn mower.

    "I know you do Spence, that's why you watch at least once a week." Spencer whipped his pillow out from under his head and lobbed it at me from where he lay. The pillow smacked into my face as I put my arms up to stop it, blowing my mahogany locks out behind me. Spencer laughed out loud, almost falling off the chaise, at my lack of reflexes.

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