Chapter 38

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a/n:sorry for any spelling errors I am not gonna read through and edit this chapter because I'm exhausted. enjoy loves

The End of Boston

     "Now THAT is a great shot!" Seth laughs as he lowers the camera to gaze at the picture he took now displayed on the screen. "Truly Reagan, mother will want a copy." Seth turns the camera so I can catch a glimpse, and though I know he's taunting me, he's also right. It is one great shot. Spencer is smiling, slightly deviously as Wayne smacks him in the chest, his mouth open to say something I didn't hear. Then there's me. My face is blurred because my hand was in the fore front of the picture but you can easily see my scowl plain as day. Seth snapped the picture at just the right moment, the camera had focused on my hand and my middle finger stood out, aimed at Seth behind the camera.

     A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth, I lunge at Seth, reaching out to snag the camera from him. He jumped back just out of my reach and holds the camera behind him, over his shoulder and out of my reach. I lunged forward again and this time when Seth once again moved out of my reach, Spencer gasped loudly, his own hand reaching out toward Seth. But I wasn't paying him any attention. My eyes narrowed as I watched my brother, he was subtlely shifting the weight back an forth between his feet. He was getting ready to run. I started a second before he did but his legs were longer and that glimpse of a headstart to catching him disappeared quickly. I tore after him along the path however, pushing myself hard to catch him, thank god I'd been running daily because I was able to stay relatively close on his heels.

     When Seth finally stopped and Reagan grabbed the camera from him, it was immediately ripped from her hands by an enraged Spencer. Wayne strolled up behind the three of them as Spencer's rant about his camera's safety came to a close. He was smiling lazily and rested a gentle hand on his boyfriend's shoulder.

     "Alright Spence, I'm sure you've given them an earful already. Chill out." Spencer turned toward Wayne about to rip into him as well, but before he had the chance to say a word Wayne cut him off with a quick peck on the lips. Spencer choked on his words and his eyes went from glaring to saucers in an instant. He just stared at Wayne for a minute, blinking hard. I looked at Spencer who was obviously trying to stay angry, but his face was cracking into the goofiest love sick look that had Reagan reminiscing to the beginning of their relationship.

     I looked to Seth who was watching this with a somewhat confused look on his face. I nudged him and gestured with my head that maybe we should find our way back to the car. He nodded and the two of us turned without a word and meandered back down the path we'd come. The two of us make it back to the car without Spencer and Wayne, who I was guessing hadn' moved an inch. We both leaned against the passenger side of the car. I looked around at all the people in the park trying to keep my mind off of my looming move back home. Leaning in silence waiting for the boys wasn't exactly doing anything to help either.

     "Hey, you okay Reggie?" Seth's hand landed lightly on my shoulder. I couldn't look at him, if I saw his concern rather than just hearing it I'd probably cry and I didn't want to do that before the day was even over. Even him asking was already making me crack, my bottom lip trembled violently. Instead of risking an answer I shrugged. Then the car honked and the locks of the doors opened. I looked up to see Spencer leaning into Wayne, an arm hanging loosely around his waist. Wayne was guiding them since Spencer's eyes were closed. He beamed into Wayne's chest, not seeming to care about anything but the man beside him.

     As the boys approached the car I heard Seth offer to drive home. Wayne tossed him the keys in answer and I dove into the shotgun seat. We rode back to the apartment in silence.Seth dropped off Spencer and I but took Wayne with him to the grocery store to stock up for the feast he was planning to make. I packed up my books before settling in front of the tv and half-heartedly searching through Netflix for something to watch.

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