First Kiss - Part Three

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You set up your guitar and you and Callum sang read all about it the original version "your amazing" you said "so are you" Callum said smiling. He has a great smile "so I was wondering.. Maybe if you.. Wanted to hang out on Saturday..." Cal said shyly "er okay I best go it's already 8" you said Callum walked you out and he shouted bye when you were at the end of the driveway. When u got home u thought. What if he likes you? Do u like him? Will he like you if he found out ur ill? Them thoughts played on ur mind all night.

You forgot you agreed to go out with Cal, so when you woke up there was a text from him. "Hey can't wait for later meet me in the park at 1 x" u replied "can't wait:-)" you got changed quickly did ur hair and makeup and took ur meds. It was 12:45 you told your mum you were going out and headed to the park. It was 12:55 and u saw Cal. "Heyah" you said walking over to him "hey wanna go into town?" he asked "sure" you replied he took ur hand and led you to town you went to Starbucks and he bought you a drink. You offered to pay but he insisted.

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