Fizz Pop Stalker

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Requested by @hannahconkie 

Thank you for the request!!! 

Now onto the story.


"Awwww do you have to leave????" 

"Unfortunately I do, this is very important. I'm sorry baby." 

Fizzarolli was continuously trying to convince Asmodeus to stay in Hell. Ozzie had to take a week-long trip to the living world for business. Of course, Fizzie was not about to let that happen without trying to stop it. 

"But why?? Can't they just have you video call in??" Fizzie whined.  He really did not want Ozzie to leave. He couldn't explain why, he just had a bad feeling about this trip. " I don't know, they just said it was mandatory I attend in person." Asmodeus sighed, clearly as annoyed with this sudden trip as Fizzie.


Throughout the entire time Ozzie was packing Fizzie kept persisting that he stay here. However, it didn't work. Ozzie still went to the living world. Now here Fizz was, laying in their room bored out of his mind. 'ughhhhh, there's nothing to do!!'  Fizzie did not have a long attention span. He got up and paced the house trying to find something to keep him entertained. Normally when he was bored, he'd just bother Ozzie while he worked until he found something else to do. But since Ozzie isn't here..... it was not going well. 

"Hm maybe I could go to the pride ring, I haven't been there in a while'  Fizzarolli thought to himself. he made his way down the street to the subway. (I head-cannon that there's a subway that connects all the rings so they can travel easily.) it was extremely crowded, per usual, but he made his way through the crowd and to the platform to the pride ring. Sitting on a bench, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through Sinstagram for a bit before he heard the voice on the intercom "Now boarding train to The Pride Ring ."  

Fizzie made his way onto the train. It was cramped, but again, that was normal. Suddenly, he was violently pushed and almost fell. He turned around getting ready to cuss the person out, but before he could say anything, the young girl started apologizing. "Oh my Satan, I am so sorry! I didn't think you were so close and I was just trying to get on before they closed the doors. I'm so sorry." She frantically apologized. "Woah, hey hey it's fine just be more careful next time." Fizzie said, just trying to end the conversation. 

Welp, knowing his luck, that didn't work. She just kept talking and talking, desperately trying to make conversation with him. He was honestly close to yelling at her when he heard the voice again. "Now arriving at the Pride ring." Soon the doors opened and people started rushing off. The girl got separated from Fizzie. 'Oh thank Satan'  He thought. If he had to spend another minute listening to that girl, he would have murdered someone.

He made his way out of the station and into the busy streets of the Pride Ring. Fizzie looked around to see what there was to do when he saw them. Blitzø and his weird friends. Fizz started walking the other way. He was not in the mood to deal with them. 


Okay that's it for part one, because it's the middle of the night and i'm super tired. I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story and huge thanks to @hannahconkie for the amazing request. 

Make sure you eat something and drink some water! Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon/evening. Also make sure to get some sleep if you need it. 

Bye Bye!!

Words: 604

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