Chapter 4 (Fuck Shit)

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Song: Alien Blues by Vundabar

The storm had gone on for days, the entire crew was exhausted, finally it was coming to a close. They could see where the storm ended. They just had to get out.

"Thorn!" Mikkel shouted in alarm and Robin looked up to see the Skandian hanging on for dear life on the side of the forearm, rope twisted around him.

"I've got him!" She shouted through the final stretch of the storm over the crew yelling in panic to Thorn.

Chucking the bucket to someone else she ran to the main mast and climbed up it swinging up by the rope, finding it difficult to find perches with the water drenching everything.

"Thorn!" She shouted over the storm and he looked up, panic evident in his eyes. This was not the way he wanted to die. "I'm going to cut away the rope!" He nodded, head barely moving to convey the gesture.

Robin unsheathed her saxe knife and begun to cut away the rope, that had snaked around his body. "Ok! Now I'm going to grab your arms and swing you, but you'll need to let go when I tell you!" She yelled again. When she saw he understood she gripped his arms.

"Now!" She shouted. And he looked at her eyes, fully trusting the woman he let go when she told him, a quick prayer to the Vallas. Robin used the momentum to push him to the deck of the WolfWind. He hit it with a thud and rolled to even the impact. The left over rope dropped to the deck as well, dangling off of the rigging.

When she saw he was safe she dropped to the side of the deck, closer to the edge of the Wolfship than Thorn.

"Hood!" Erak bellowed his warning as the wave tumbled over the deck, smashing into her, knocking her sideways, and straight over the side. One second she was standing there, the next the wave had taken her. They were so close to being out of the storm. "Hood?!" He shouted louder. The entire crew was aware that Robin Hood had just been knocked overboard.

His warning had served her well as it had given her a split second to grab hold of the rope from the closed sail. As she got knocked overboard she wrapped her arm around the rope and held it tightly and was now being knocked against the side of the ship by waves. She shouted in agony as her shoulder smashed against the ship, ripping it from its socket. She coughed, struggling to get a breath from the water that was whipping against the ship.

Erak desperately wanted to go and look over the side for her but he couldn't leave his post or they'd all join her in her sacrifice. The waves were becoming calmer as they started to leave the storm. Those above on the Wolfship heard a scream of pain, that was quickly cut of off by another wave smashing against the boat.

"ROW!!" He roared to them, the roar masking the gut wrenching feeling in his stomach, the cold hand grasping his heart. They were so close to making it out. That was when he saw the taut rope, he shouted to two of his men who were rowing to grab it.

Thorn to had seen the rope and ran over the side gripping the edge so he didn't go overboard as well, he saw her unconscious form at the end of the rope. The rope tight around her arm, leaving red marks, she was being drowned.

He grabbed the rope and hauled it upwards. They pulled the rope up and saw an unconscious Robin Hood, red arm tied at the end of it in a mess of rope. The other two men reached down and grabbed her under the armpits and hauled her onto the deck.

Erak signalled Svengal to come and take over. Erak's relived sigh was short lived when he saw she wasn't breathing. She was sprawled across the deck, chest unmoving, clothing and hair soaked. Thorn saw his Skirl approach them and he backed away, anguish clear on his face. Erak crouched down beside her and bellowed.

"Hood!" He slapped his hand against her cheek twice, trying to wake her up. Worry woved its way into his expression. She jolted, chest heaving as she coughed up the water that had been sitting in her lungs straight into his face.

Erak reeled backwards in surprise and Robin locked eyes with a slightly agitated Oberjarl.

She tried to say something but had another coughing fit. "You're.." She coughed. "You're looking a little wet there skipper." She laughed.

"How the hell did you survive that?"

"Try not to sound so disappointed Skip." She smirked and went to sit up, her soaked clothes hanging around her. She yelped and groaned in agony, clutching her arm cradling it to her chest. His frowning face quickly dropped as he saw her in pain. Gritting down the pain she sat up. "Ow! Son of a bas-"

Erak gently grasped her shoulder feeling it. He breathed a sigh of relief. "You dislocated it. I'll pop it back in."

Robin grimaced, "right."

"On the count of three. Zero, one." He popped her shoulder back in.

"MOTHERFU--" She paused realising something. "Who the hell starts at zero?!" She heard laughter behind her from the relieved crew and smirked at Erak.

"Shut up." He drawled but all the same he offered her a hand up.

"I mean seriously were you dropped on your head as a child?" He retracted his hand and glowered at her laughing form.

"If you're not careful, I'll chuck you back overboard." She stood up and held her hands in mock surrender. 

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