Chapter 10 (Scheme)

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Song: Bad Liar by Selena Gomez 

At first Robin's plan sounded ludacris but once Erak turned it over in his head a few more times, he grasped the subtle sensibility of it.

At first she had refused to tell them the plan until she had a better understanding of it herself. They had sat in silence, while they watched her think, the two men felt like they could actually see the cogs turning in Robin Hood's head. As she appraised all of the possible loopholes before presenting the plot to Erak and Svengal. 

'So just to get this straight.' Svengal said hesitantly. He was still struggling to wrap his head around the idea, to him it sounded insane. 'You want the WolfWind to drop us off. So we can hike to the trading port. Without getting lost.' He added.

'I'll make sure we don't get lost.' Robin assured him and he made an offhand gesture.

'Then we pose as low life traders who no one would even turn a second glance to. And find out information that way.'

'We'll go to the local tavern or inn, you'd be surprised what people say when ale loosens their lips.'

'Without being done for piracy?' Svengal added. 

'This pirate crew of yours. How do you think they managed to dock. They would have posed as traders. Unfortunately Wolfwind is a little more recognisable. So without the ship they won't think twice.'

'And who do you suppose will go?' Svengal asked.

'Us three obviously.' Erak pointed out. 'I think we should take someone else, just in case something goes wrong and we need to fight our way out.'

Robin shifted in her spot on the ground, her ankles had been crossed over, elbow supporting her upper body as she lent on it. Now she sat up, crossing her legs as she did so. 'Talk to me about Thorn.'

'Thorn is the best fighting man in our crew. Better than me. Better than Erak.' He glanced at the Oberjarl for confirmation and Erak nodded briefly. 'The only one who can come close is Mikkel. They're best friends.'

'He has some sense of loyalty to you, since you saved him in that storm. He'll trust you and follow your plan to the letter, and will improvise if something goes wrong.'

'Looks like he's our man.' Robin said turning over another point in her head. 'We'd better take Mikkel as well. We might need all the help we can get.'

'So just for the sake of repeating myself. You want to walk into a trading town where piracy is frowned upon acting as low life traders where no one will even question us. Go to a tavern or some sort and get information. And worst case scenario we fight our way out with only five against the entire port?'

Robin and Erak looked at each other nodding. 'Yes.' They conceded at the same time.

Svengal let out an amused breath and looked between the two. 'Alright I'm in.'

'Great. Let's go tell them the plan.' Robin grinned. Erak tilted his head, glancing around to see if they were in this tent. He spotted them in the back, talking with a group. Erak opened his mouth to bellow out to them, but Robin stopped him, by placing her hand on his arm. 'I'll grab them, don't want to make to much of a ruckus.'

Erak saw the sensibility in that so he nodded, gesturing for her to go ahead. She rose and walked over to them, stooping slightly to avoid hitting the roof of the tent. She crouched down next to where they were sitting and said something in a low voice, beckoning Thorn and Mikkel.

'Damn she's good, chief.' Svengal murmured, 'I don't know how you managed to get a woman like that.' He said lightly only half teasing.

'I'm not in love with her Svengal.' Erak knew where his words were leading. His eyes however lingered on her figure.

'So you keep telling me, chief.' He grinned, knowing a lie from his best mate when he saw one.

Robin joined the them, this time with Thorn and Mikkel. They ran through the plan with them, Mikkel nodding eagerly, Thorn considering it a little more, running through the loop holes in his mind-

'what will we wear?' He questioned when he found one. 'Since we can't wear our vest's or helmets.' He paused looking at Robin, 'or your cloak.'

She scowled but released the truth in his statement. 'Hm.' She conceded. 'You'll have to go with out your fur wrappings,' she pointed at the trimmings above Erak's boots that were stretched out in front of him, they were mirrored on the others legs.

'When do we leave?' Mikkel asked them.

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