In conclusion, chemicals don't explode

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(This video is made by me.)

Cory: He didn't even know my name.

Shawn: What are you so upset about?

Cory: Oh, I don't know. Could it be staying up all night to finish my paper? Could it be breaking into school so my paper's not late? Or could it be losing half my pants on the barbed wire?

Rock: I don't know why you couldn't just through the gate like we did.

Lorenzo: It was too easy. It looked like a trap.

Shawn: Come on, let's look over here.

Cory: You know what bugs me the most? Tommy the football hero gets a free ride for throwing a stupid lucky touchdown.

Shawn: Cory, let me tell you something about breaking and entering. You usually don't hang around and vent while you're doing it.

Cory: He's only fooling himself if he thinks this hero stuff's gonna carry him through life, though.

Shawn: Oh, yeah. Troy Aikman's really hurting.

Cory: I'm a felon, Hunter. Don't push me. All I'm saying is, he's heading for a fall if he believes his own hype.

Sylvester: Come on. Let's just put our papers on the desk and get out of here. We are home free.

Wile: Yeah, because I don't wanna worry my darling, Sally when I'm not back.

They were about to leave until the flashlight went out.

Wile: (annoyed) Oh, what is it now?

Cory: Uh-oh. Check the batteries.

Shawn: OK, OK. But I need a flashlight.

Wile: We need matches now.

Cyborg: All right, we're in a chem lab.  There's gotta be matches around here somewhere, right? (Founds a match) Ta-da! Matches.

Bugs: As some famous guy once said, "Let there be light."

Cory: (Accidentally made fire) Ow, ow, ow, ow!

A small fire landed on Wile's tail and he screams in pain and landed on a trash causing it to explode in fire in the trash. The boys tried to get the fire out, but fails.

Boys: Backdraft!

Shawn: Oh, my God!

Sylvester: Nice going, genius!

Wile: Hey! I'm sorry!

Cory: Was the fire out when you left?

Shawn: It's a trash-can fire. It'll go out by itself.
Or tomorrow, when they take out the trash.

Cory: Shawn, Shawn. It's a chemistry lab. Chemicals explode.

Shawn: Oh, no, this is bad.

Cory: That's what I'm saying.

Shawn: No, no, no, no. I ended my paper, "In conclusion, chemicals don't explode." Hey, where you going?

Cory: To save the school.

Shawn: Hey, while you're in there, can you change the ending on my paper?

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