Part 3

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My cheeks become damp from the tears he as caused. My face now hit by the piercing cold air of the night. I need fresh air. My thoughts keep ricocheting back and forth. And I give up suppressing them. How could he do this? How could I even be so stupid. We were so in the moment we didn't even think. A heavy sigh escapes my lips. The silence of the night is interrupted by the crunching of gravel beneath my feet.

Thinking about it, it's peaceful out here. Looking up my eyes make contact with the golden perfectly circular moon. How similar to Jonathan's eyes. I head towards the private garden, being sure to look over my shoulders incase anyone's following me, specifically Jonathan.

Why can't he escape my mind.

Walking down the familiar path, the intimidating iron gate protected by wild thorns quickly comes into view. Overgrown flora and fauna overflow the once well trimmed hedges. This place stinks of neglect. To no surprise the gates lock has rotted away. I feel the cold sting of the frigid metal against my skin as I open the gate. The rusty hinges loudly creak as it opens.

Adjusting to the view, I am welcomed by weeping willows and neglected rose bushes. Flamboyant mushrooms and red spider lilies litter the path generously infront of me, fireflies as bright as stars contrast against the dark vast sky. How beautiful. Curious, I make my way towards what seems to be a water fountain.

Frost surrounds the engraved stoned pillars and sprout of the fountain. Little shards of ice like broken glass shape the water as it gracefully makes its way down. I can't help but sit on it's cold hard surface. Already reminiscing the moments me and him had together. Dried up moss tickles my toes. I miss Jonathan's toes.

Suddenly a twig snapping breaks the
solitary quietness of the fountains rushing water. What was that? I gulp. Nervously looking around. I feel twisted knots forming in my stomach. Something isn't right.

Anxiously I look around. Gut in knots. The hairs on my arms standing right up. Another sound. Footsteps. My eyes follow where the sound came, I peer into the darkness analysing and searching my surroundings until my eyes fixate on two sets of pupils, a mysterious pair amber eyes gaze back.

It's him.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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