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Second Grade

The fan overhead makes a creaky noise as it spins. We constantly make fun of it. Suddenly the creaky noise stops. The power is up. Now is when the most fun occurs as the entire class of second graders start howling. Our class teacher enters, along with a boy we haven't seen before. He's probably a new admission.

"Children, don't make noise when the current goes... you're now in second grade! You're big children now... you must not act like small kids who are in KG." The teacher tells us. She puts her hand on the new kid's back and introduces him "We have a new friend who will be joining us today. This is Dalbir everyone."

"He looks like Hanuman!" The boys sitting behind comment.

Hanuman is the Indian monkey god, celebrated for his strength, energy and undying dedication to Ram, the Seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu. However the comment is attributed to the new kid because of the bulge surrounding his lips that give him a monkey-like appearance.

Our class consists of three columns of five tables, each table shared by two students. The Hanuman kid Dalbir is directed to sit in the empty table right in front of me.

A minute later a girl arrives.

"May I come in teacher?" She extends her hand forward, seeking permission to enter.

"Of course dear, please come in." The class teacher waves her in and looks around. Her eyes land on my table "Why don't you sit beside Sureshkumar?"

In our class, it is considered a shame to sit next to a girl. And as recess begins the boys behind me make fun of it. I don't mind them because they are the ruffians of our class... if I cross them they'll get together and beat me up.

The new kid in front also joins in and makes fun of me. Now I am not gonna let this slide.

"Shut up you bad child!" I retort "Have you looked in the mirror? You look like a monkey!"

That silences him. But only momentarily for he regains his composure and resumes making fun of me.

I clap and draw the attention of everyone in class. "Look everyone we have Hanuman in class!"

That draws a wave of laughter from all the tables.

I chant the title song of the TV series Jai Hanuman "Mangal ko janme, mangal hi karte, mangal mey bhagwan, Jai Hanuman, Jai Hanuman..."

The chant is echoed by many parts of the class. That silences Hanuman for good. And by the end of the last line I realize that Dalbir has started crying.

Recess is over.

I'm scared for whenever someone cries, the teacher has a talk with the person who made them cry.

The class teacher reenters. She sees the boy in front of me crying and asks him what the matter is.

"He called me Hanuman." He points at me.

"Sureshkumar stand up." The class teacher orders.

I stand up. I'm afraid. My left hand is shaking. But my right hand feels warm.

"Suresh dear, it isn't very polite to make fun of people based on their appearance. Remember God made them that way and it is wrong of us to mock them over it." She places her hand on the Dalbir's back reassuringly. "Now say sorry."

I look at him for a second. Then I say "Sorry." This is the first of two steps of how all quarrels in our class are resolved.

The class teacher nudges Dalbir to stand up. Here comes the second and final step. "Now shake hands." She says.

I extend my left hand. The teacher is giving me a very pleasant smile. The cry baby looks a little perplexed but extends his left hand to meet mine.

As we shake hands I mouth "Hanuman."

He starts crying again.

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