Pari's Letter

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My dear dear Suresh

I don't really know how to say this to you but I love you. Don't ask me since when... there wasn't a sudden spark or moment of overwhelming emotion... it was more like a gradual, natural process. From best friends I developed feelings that I know cannot be classified as just friendship. Many people told me that a girl and boy cannot be best friends because eventually one would fall for the other. I used to hold such people in contempt, but I guess I myself have gone there. I've constantly asked myself if this is wrong, but I can't help this longing to be close to you and never be away!

I know you have Noora in mind still... but I know that my love for you is true and its purity and intensity will bring you to me. I know that you might be angry with me for such feelings that betray friendship... hell, you might even distance yourself from me and this revelation of mine might even be the one thing that breaks this special bond that we share...

... but I'm sorry! I can't keep this to myself anymore. If you don't want me, I'll understand... we can go back to being friends! Or if you want to stay away... I can understand that too ☹️

Also never, and I mean NEVER EVER, call yourself a drug peddler! You aren't and you will never be! It really pained my heart to hear that from you.

All the best for your future Suresh! The Little Fairy will always love you!

Yours dearly

The Little Fairy ♥

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