Part 5

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"If you can't have a regular birth I will make sure you get to have that experience again cause I know you would want to have it" Louis says as he was talking to Niall as they entered the hospital with their mask on cause of the precaution cause of COVID that was still going around and the hospital could not risk it right now, so Niall was going to be mask up the whole time he was in the hospital and when he has the babies maybe depends if they can let him take it off that way he can breathe a little better as well as he was having the babies as well cause that was a lot of pressure on his lungs and his rib cage as well too cause he was having a hard time breathing and catching his breath as well too, so when the babies are born it will take a lot of pressure off his lungs as well too

"Thanks Louis I want to do this again for sure later on if I can cause I want that natural experience of having a baby cause this is not fair at all" Niall says as they enter the hospital and Louis got him a wheelchair so he could have a ride up to the maternity ward since his room was all set up for him and he could get into his hospital gown and just get comfortable and ease into the labor process as well cause he wanted to enjoy the moment as much as possible too cause he may or may not get to experience this ever again either and he wanted to savor the moment

Louis smiles as he looks at Niall right now cause he wanted to make Niall happy no matter what happens as well cause they were going to be in this together as well

"I hope my room has a view" Niall says as they headed up t the room as well to get settled in as well

"It does and it has a great view Niall and you will be able to see the sunset from the room as well, and your after delivery room you will be able to see the sunrise as well" Louis tells him cause he was able to get the room ready for Niall and get it the way he wants it as he was in labor as well cause he was going to be in there for a while, so he was going to make the best of it and he was going to enjoy it as well cause he was not going to get those views ever again unless he decides he wants to have another baby and he will be back in the hospital

Niall was happy with that and he was going to relax as much as he could as well cause it was going to be a while before he delivered the babies cause his doctor was going to come in and check on him as well and see how he was doing and check on the babies and if one of the babies was in fact laying the wrong way he was going to have a c-section to have all four babies and he was going to be walking to see if he could get the babies to go the right direction and to get labor started as well cause he knows his doctor was going to jump start labor once he was all checked over and quite comfortable as well in his room cause once labor starts Niall was going to be walking the halls to help deal with the pain and of one of the babies is sideways they will do a C-section to get the babies out


"Well so much for that" Niall says as they were heading to his room where he was going to be waiting for the C-section cause one of the babies is laying sideways in his stomach so the doctor was going to get the C-section scheduled for later on cause Niall ate something before coming to the hospital which was a no no if he was going to be having surgery and since he was going to be having surgery they have to wait a certain number of hours to take him into the room to cut him open to deliver the babies then he will go into recovery to recover from the caesarean section cause he was going to be in pain and groggy as well

More will come when I'm off again on Monday but it's highly unlikely I am closing here and there every other Monday or so for the moment and I don't walk into a disaster either

on hold due to my work schedule

Part 8 will happen if there isn't a freaking three way tie between chapters either

Louis and Niall are my daddies wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now