5- Just a little Interesting

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      "I need to walk my cat? Seriously, thank you would have been better!" Felix whined, plopping on his bed

    Seungmin hummed.

    "To be honest it isn't that bad, you do have a cat," Seungmin said.

    "Seungmin, I kissed him and then   ran off!"

     The younger sighed, watching as Felix laid back in his bed.

    He was seriously regretting what happened. He felt as if it would ruin everything.

    He, however, couldn't help but touch his lips, remembering the feeling of Hyunjin's lips on his and how they felt so soft.

    He also couldn't help the   fluttering in his stomach remembering the way Hyunjin squeezed his waist so softly as they kissed. It made him just want more of it.

    "Felix!" Seungmin called out again, finally snapping his friend from his daze.

    "Huh? Yeah?" Felix questioned, sitting up.

    "Was there anything that prompted you to kiss him?"

   "Oh, uh, well... he kind of asked,"

   Seungmin blinked a couple of times and tilted his head.

    "Why are you looking at me like that?" Felix questioned.

    Seungmin pursed his lip and shook his head, "It is just a little interesting, is all," he said


    "I can't believe I asked that!" Hyunjin groaned.

   Haewon and Jisung sighed.

    "It's not a big deal... I mean, he did kiss you," Jisung said.

   "Yeah, he did. I don't see why you are acting, as if it is the end of the world," Haewon muttered.

   Hyunjin looked at the two sitting at the edge of his bed.

    "I barely know him though! I've known him, what? A few days?"

   "Did you know that there are some studies that say that you can tell within seconds whether or not you are romantically interested in someone," Haewon mentioned.

   "Really?" Jisung questioned.

    Haewon nodded, "I don't exactly remember where I read it, but it's what I thought when you and Lixie talked to each other for the first time," she said softly.

   Hyunjin smiled softly and pulled Haewon into a hug.

    The girl whined slightly but still liked the comfort of the hug.

   "You're so sweet, Haewonnie," Hyunjin said softly, as he let the small girl go.

  Haewon simply nodded, with a small smile.

   "Okay, little one, it is time for you to go to bed," Jisung said.

   Haewon nodded, "Goodnight,"

   Hyunjin watched the small girl leave to get washed up.

   "Hey, are you okay?" Jisung asked.

   "I'm a little worried about her... with Annalise back in town," Hyunjin sighed, "with her in town it makes me nervous-- especially since she is trying to see Haewon," Hyunjin said.

   Jisung pursed his lips, "Haewon, is safe. She goes to a school that has great security. She goes to piano class with Chan who would never let anything happen to her. With dance class, Felix nor Minho would ever let anything happen to her. She'll be fine Hyunjin," He assured.

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