Chapter Three

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As they danced, he kept feeling her fingers gently brush the back of his neck and shoulders while her breath was softly tickling his chest. At this point, he was trying to think of sports stats or work or anything to keep himself from getting hard. He assumed it was fairly pointless though, there was no way she didn't know how she was affecting him right now.

"Robbie, you're killing me." He groaned. "We should probably stop dancing and figure out a movie to watch."

She lifted her lust-filled eyes to meet his and nodded, "Robbie? You started it, Marcus." She said pressing a little closer. "But you're also right." They stopped swaying to the music but continued to look at each other for another long moment. Finally, Robyn took a step back and Dante's arms reluctantly released her. They walked back to the couch and took their seats next to each other.

He handed her a bottle of water as he grabbed his mug and the remote. "What are we watching?"

1Robyn couldn't form a clear thought right now. "Let Netflix randomly pick something," she recommended as she drank some water.

"Good idea," he said, opening the app on the TV. He couldn't imagine trying to think coherently enough to agree on a movie right now anyway. He pressed the appropriate sequence of buttons to start a movie. He set his mug and the remote on the table and settled back into the couch. He immediately stopped paying attention to the screen when Robyn leaned against him. He shifted to face her a little more and lifted his arm to draw her against his side. He inhaled her scent as she snuggled close and laid her head against his chest. He pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and tucked it around her. He tried to turn his attention back to the screen, but he kept getting distracted by her body next to him. His semi-focus lasted for less than half an hour until he noticed Robyn's head was on his leg and was dangerously close to what he'd been trying to control all night.

"Robyn?" He questioned quietly. When he didn't get a response, he gently tilted her head towards him so he could see her face. She was asleep, like, completely knocked out and she had somehow managed to slide, twist and slip into what looked like a very uncomfortable position. He thought about letting her stay that way, but he knew it wouldn't help her pain level come later on. He gently slipped out from under her to try to figure out the best position to move her into. When he stood up and looked down at her, he saw that not only was she in some weird twisted position, but she had somehow managed to get tangled in the blanket too. He was pretty sure there was a pillow or two in there with her as well. She must have magic powers because while he had felt her shifting, he didn't think she'd moved around that much. He really didn't want to wake her up, but she couldn't stay that way.

"Robyn?" He tried again. She didn't even stir. "Robbie?" He said reaching out and taking her hand. She barely mumbled but she did grasp his hand. He gently tugged her hand and noticed she seemed to be following his actions. He knew there was no way she could drive home right now if he did wake her up, so he figured he may as well get her to the guest bedroom to sleep. It would be far more comfortable for the amount of pain he knew she was in. He had a feeling she would go back to sleep easily anyway.

He took both of her hands in his and gently tugged. He was surprised when he was easily able to get Robyn into a standing position. He untangled her from the blanket and pillows and then entwined her fingers with his. He took a few steps to test her willingness to follow him. Again, he was surprised when she followed behind him without resistance. Leaving the lights off, he led her to the guest room, pulled back the covers on the bed, and guided her to lie down. He removed her shoes and then pulled the covers up over her. She immediately rolled over onto her side facing him. He turned to leave but she reached out and softly grabbed his hand.

"Stay,” she whispered.


"Stay,” she mumbled.

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