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"Oh my-" the person behind us said as we looked back "Reya! thank goodness would you like to help me? I need the water and it's over there and he won't stop moving." I said smiling at her.

"What happened?!" she asked as she grabbed the water and handed it to me "Neteyam was riding an Ilu and he was doing great until he bumped into a coral and it cut his arm bad. I decided to help myself since mother probably wouldn't help since she is with Ronal" I said grabbing the water and cleaning the dried up blood.

"Ow! y/n that burns!" Neteyam moved at the water on his cut "Neteyam!! for the love of eywa stop moving!" I said looking at him "wait so you guys weren't.." Tsireya started, my eyes widened understanding what she was trying to say "REYA!!! No!!! we just met! mother would kill me! are you not smart at all? I was helping him only!" I said as I finished cleaning his gash and getting up.

"oh..then I misunderstood" Tsireya said laughing "There..now be careful with the coral" I said helping Neteyam up from the floor of the Marui "noted" he said getting up and smiling at me.

After a couple hours I went to do more practicing with the arrow, my ears twitched to the sound of leaves cracking. When I turned around I saw all the sully kids except Tuk.

"Oh! Hello! What brings you guys here?" I asked looking at them "though the colors may not be as vibrant in this tint forest we came for a climb, we miss home and wanted to do it here." Kiri said shrugging "oh! ok!" I said turning around to continue what I was doing.

"Y/n..?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me "yes?" I turned around to face Neteyam "would you like to join us..? we're learning the Metkayina way. You should learn the Omitakaya way" Neteyam said with a slight grin.

I thought about it, long and hard. He wasn't wrong, they were learning our ways and it was a hard task as they were forest Na'vi trying to adapt to the way of water. I am a reef na'vi who should at least try to adapt to the way of the forest.

"Sure! why not?" I asked smiling at him "great! bring your bow" he said looking down at my hand where I had my bow "oh, uhhh ok" I said as I wrapped the arrows around my waist and the bow onto my back "come on reef girl!" he said with an excited voice as he climbed up into the tree.

I hesitated. What if I fell off? What if I got hurt by something up there? Many thoughts rushed into my mind but they soon got cut off by Neteyam "Y/n? you coming?" he asked looking down from a tall branch. He was already have way up! "oh! yeah sorry" I said as I looked for a way to climb it, once I saw my way I started to climb it.

once I got to the top Neteyam and Lo'ak helped me up "Hey! not bad, you're pretty fast" Lo'ak said as he looked at me "Thank you thank you" I said bowing dramatically.

"Come on we do not have all day" Kiri said as she grabbed onto a vine and swung to the next tree "holy shit." I said looking at how far the jump was "come on! don't be a wuss" Lo'ak said as he nudged my shoulder and soon jumped to the tree with the vine.

"Come on y/n! it's not that bad I promise" Neteyam said smiling at me as he grabbed the vine and jumped to the tree where the rest of his siblings were "Come on reef girl!" Kiri said as she looked at me while I hesitated for my life.

"ok.." I said taking a deep breath in as I grabbed the vine and jumped to them, I did a pretty good landing until a rock got in the way and I almost fell. Out of instinct I closed my eyes ready to fall, but I felt hands wrap around my waist tightly "be careful, always watch your feet" they said as I opened my eyes to reveal Neteyam super close to my face.

"Oh yea uhm sorry" I said trying to look anywhere but him. At this point my face was as red as a tomato, I couldn't stop it from turning red either.

"NETEYAM! KIRI! LO'AK GET DOWN NOW!" we heard someone call as we looked and saw their mother "Oh jesus she's mad" Lo'ak said as he jumped down falling onto leaves without getting hurt, followed by Kiri

Now it was only me and Neteyam in the tree "Y/n we have to jump" he said looking at me "what?! no way! I struggled getting on what makes you think i'm going to get off now?!" I said looking down then back at him

He grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eye "Y/n. you have to trust me, we have to jump!" he said as he looked at me with pleading eyes "I'm sorry Neteyam, I trust you. but I am not jumping" I said as I looked back down at how long the fall was.

"Neteyam come on!!" Kiri said eager for them to leave "i'm sorry! i'll come back for you later!" He said as he jumped down from leaf to leaf like Lo'ak did "NETEYAM!!! GAH!" I said in frustration and sat down feet hanging down from the ledge.

"I'm sorry!!!" He said as he ran with his siblings and went to their mother. I was stuck. I had nothing to do and I was already bored, but I was also starstruck by the fact that Neteyam grabbed me the way he did, his eyes were a beautiful yellow with a tiny tint of green as well as a beautiful pattern on his face.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, but when I did I grabbed my bow and started shooting, I had nothing better to do so I just did that.

After a couple of hours but what felt like an eternity I heard a whistle from below me, I whistled back knowing exactly who it was "Oh great! you're fine!" He said looking up at me "Surprisingly! now how do I get off?!" I asked looking for any other way but jumping.

"Y/n you will have to jump! you can not do it any other way!" He said looking around with me "Neteyam! I am not jumping! I do not wanna die yet!" I said almost throwing a tantrum "Just jump! I will catch you!" He said spreading his arms out "there is not way! I am very heavy and it's a long fall." I said looking down and rolling my eyes at his stupidity.

"I am a warrior I have caught many things" He said winking at me "....Fine!" I said as I put my bow around me ready to jump, I got myself ready and sooner or later I jumped.

I mimicked what Lo'ak and Neteyam did with the leaves and when I landed I landed in Neteyam's arms, "see? you did what we did. Perfect! and you made the fall less of a pain" he said putting me down as he laughed.

"not funny! you left me there forever" I said pushing him away "oh come on, it was not that long. I apologize" he said with a frown "whatever" I said as I walked away and headed home.

Though I know it wasn't his fault I was still angry, my parents would scold me and I couldn't deal with it. And somehow even though it has only been a couple days I have developed a small crush on Neteyam so I decided to avoid him from
now on.

Tsireya went to teach them with the Ilu, I called my Ilu and looked at them seeing Neteyam smile and wave at me. I ignored him and dove into the water grabbing my Ilu and swimming to my little hideout.

"what's wrong with her? she won't talk to me anymore" Neteyam said as he looked at Tsireya "she's probably angry you left her on the tree the other day, do not feel bad she will come around" Tsireya said with a soft reassuring smile.

I dove into the water and slowly rised into the cave of Crystals. I always liked coming here when I felt alone. I laid back and enjoyed the peace and how quite it was.

I was dozing off to sleep until I heard the water around me make noises, I got up and looked scared for my life "y/n! I found you!" Neteyam said as he jumped onto the little sides with me "oh my god! Neteyam! you scared me! what are you doing?" I asked getting up backing up from him

"I came to see you, I want to talk to you. why are you avoiding me?" he asked genuinely trying to get answers "because..because I am angry at you. Why did you leave me there?!" I asked pushing him "woah woah! you can not seriously be mad at me! You didn't want to jump!" he said looking at me shocked

"I could have died Neteyam!!! I am a reef Na'vi not forest Na'vi. If I am to learn your ways you actually have to show!!!" I said moving my hands around in frustration.

"Ok ok! I get it just calm down..I am sorry" he said tilting his head down a bit. "mhm.." I hummed still a bit angry, though he wasn't wrong he still should have tried to help.

"ok come on, your mother is looking for you that's another reason I came" Neteyam said as looked around more "fine..you go I am right behind you" I said softly smiling at him.

After two minutes I dove in and called my Ilu as we headed to shore.

"Lo'ak is gone!!" I heard someone say as I looked at them confused. "He has gone beyond the reef!" another shouted "Oh shit."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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