Chapter 1: Dead? Alive?

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??? POV JULY 3RD 1987

Santa Carla the murder capitol of the world, the Disney land for runaways, the home of the Lost Boys. Noon the sun high in the sky shining down on a big wooden home the front broken in, wood, glass and ash everywhere. Five men walk around taking in the sight. "Do you think they will realize we are not really dead?" a young curly blond man asked the group. "I don't know Marko. These children don't know anything about what we truly are." an older man with big glasses responds with a sigh. "Max why couldn't we have just been honest with them about what we truly are?" a young platinum blond man in all black asked the older man. "David you don't need to call me max anymore you can call me dad again." Max sighed then looked to his vampire sons.

Dwayne and Paul have been quite just looking around thinking about everything that has happened in the past week with the Emersons. It was all going so good the Lost Boys really liked Michael Emerson they started to see him as a brother. Max was falling in love with Lucy Emerson, he really thought it was all going to work out in the end. They all thought that they would be a big happy family. Of course the youngest Emerson, Sam got the help of the Frog brothers and ruined everything. Thank god they killed them both, It was fun ripping them apart and hearing them beg for their lives. Max and his sons didn't have the heart to kill the Emersons they really did care for them.

Dwayne looked to his father and brothers "Think about it David if they knew they would have been all over us. This way we got to see their true colors." He responded sadly. The thing about Dwayne is he was always good at keeping his emotions closed off but in this moment you could see just how much this affect him. They all felt the betrayal when Michael fought agents them and "Killed" them. Paul the always happy goof ball finally spoke "W-what do w-we do n-n-now?" he spoke between sobs. Marko was always the closest with Paul they always shared a special bond. Paul was now full on balling is eyes out and Marko went instantly to comfort his brother hugging him and rubbing his back. "It will all be ok Pauly I promise we are all here for you." Marko says with every one nodding their heads in agreement.

"Dad do we leave Santa Carla?" David asks his usually guarded Icey blue eyes full of tiers and sadness as he looked to his family. "No we stay but we use our gifts to make sure the Emersons don't know its us." Max says and with that they all take one look at the broken Emerson home and their "Dead" bodies and go to start over.



In a big Victorian home off the edge of Hudson's bluff sat 5 vampires in the living room doing various things a young man of native American decent with long dark hair, deep chocolate eyes that held no emotions as he was sitting reading a book about ancient Egyptian mythology. Next to him an equally young man with a spikey platinum blond mullet with cold Icey blue eyes was smoking a cigarette watching two wild looking blond boys fight over a game of monopoly with slight amusement in his cold eyes. The said two wild looking blonds, one with curly blond hair short in the front and the back tied into a pony tail with his hazel eyes that held mischief even if he had the face of an angel was glairing at the other blond who had a big mane of blond hair much like a lion he was obviously high, his ocean blue eyes were slightly red and puffy as he was laughing like a hyaena over winning the game fair and square even if everyone who is not high noticed the cheating. Finally the fifth man the tallest and oldest looking with his blueish greenish eyes behind big geeky glasses was sitting in an arm chair by the fire looking at the others with a soft smile on his face. All of a sudden the five men herd something... A voice echoing in their heads... The voice of their... MATE

"Ugh this bus smells so bad not to mention that too many people are on this bus its to crowded. Me and Lyla are squished. Ugh why after 15 years does my bio mom want me to move in with her and my 2 half brothers all the way in Santa Carla. Ugh I miss England, I miss home. Oh thank god this is my stop. Oh goodie looks like its my mom. Ugh this is so great cant wait, Santa Carla Murder Capital Of The World Yay!"

The five men look to each other with excitement and happiness "OMG OUR MATE IS IN SANTA CARLA!!!" Paul and Marko yell with excitement but soon look down guiltily when they receive a glare from Max for yelling. A simple "sorry" they mumble as they look down. "Its alright boys I get your excited I am too. We need to be carful about how we go about this, we don't wanna scare her off now do we?" he says they all look to each other shaking their heads no "No we don't wanna scare her off, she already doesn't wanna be here." Dwayne states the others all look thoughtful "Um who do you think Lyla is? also who do you think her family is?" Marko asks curiously "Hmm I don't know who Lyla is but I have a hunch about her family I just hope I'm wrong!" David says looking conflicted "Wait wait wait who do you think her family is?" Paul says looking confused David looks to his family and shakes his head sighing but says "I was able to see a slight glimpse of where she is and I thought I saw Lucy Emerson as she was thinking about her mom." The growl that echoed in the room shook the hole house "NOT ANOTHER EMERSON NO WAY NOT HAPPENING!!!" Paul yells pissed at this point after all the grief the Emersons caused them Paul has grown a hatred for them. "Paul don't yell and I understand your anger but this is our mate we are talking about. She's made for us and she doesn't even like the Emersons, not to mention she wasn't even raised by them. just take it easy." Max says they all sigh "alright." Paul mumbles "Ok we will deal with this tomorrow lets just chill and let her settle in, we will see her tomorrow." they all nod their heads in agreement as they relax once again their thoughts never leaving their mate.

A/N I hoped yall liked so far the next chapter will be Anaxu's Pov

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