Chapter 2: I Should Have Gone With Mom

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A/N when you see writing like this "example"  it her thoughts and means her mates can hear her thoughts and vice versa.

TW!!!! This Chapter Contains Mentions Of Bullying, Self Harm, Drug & Alcohol!!! Its Nothing Too Detailed But Still Wanted To Add The Warning!

Anaxu's POV

As I get off the bus with my dog Lyla I see my mom waiting for me holding a sign with my name since she doesn't know what I look like "Wow she doesn't even know what I look like since she never bothered to call or write and never seen a picture of me. I'm tempted to walk past her and walk to her house alone... you know what imma do it ha!" as I start to walk past her I hear a voice chuckle and say in my head "Nice Babe that will show her!"  I look around startled but not a single person is looking at me so I shrug it off and continue walking. 

Santa Carla heat is the worst it doesn't help I'm wearing all black with my big black trench coat and big black head scarf warped around my head. When I was 5 my ears started to shift onto the top of my head and look like my white fox ears and my tail started to sprout and they never went away. My dad always told me its because I'm special but it doesn't feel that way, I have to wrap my head so my ears don't show and my trench coat has a special pocket so I can hide my big white fluffy tail. Two years ago when I was 15 I was at a special boarding school for supernatural creatures I was always bullied so I kept to myself, eventually I developed social anxiety. One day I was in my room alone so I took off my head scarf and trench coat, I was sitting on my bed sketching when the fire alarm went off. I forgot my ears and tail weren't covered so I went outside with the others. When I was around everyone I heard laughing as I looked around I realized they were laughing at me and the horror when I remembered my tail and ears were on full display. One girl the queen bee a Witch/shifter named Ava Swan started making fun of me "oh wow look at the freak she has ears and a tail haha Anaxu The Freaku!!!" then everyone started calling me Freaku. Eventually it all got so bad I had to leave the school. I developed depression and started isolating myself, I started cutting my arms, I lost wight and started smoking, drinking and doing drugs. It lasted for 2 years and when my mom called my dad he figured enough was enough and that I needed a change so he forced me to go live with my mom and that brings me to now. 

As I start walking up the dirt road of a big wooden home with creepy statues in the yard with my dog Lyla a red 1986 Chevrolet Corvette C4 drove up to me. At first I thought it would be my mom but then I realized it was a man he looked to be in his 40's he had short light brown hair blue/green eyes behind some big geeky glasses. He was well dressed even with him sitting in the car I could tell he was really really tall, he had a kind smile on his face but his eyes held something dark? "Hello there I'm Max. You look new do you need a ride somewhere?" he asked me I thought for a min "Well I don't really wanna be around the Emersons and I am a Witch/Shifter Hybrid so I could defend myself if I needed to." as I was thinking this Max's eyes widened but when he realized I noticed his odd behavior he composed himself "You know what ya I could use a ride just bring me anywhere." I responded he looked like a cat who got the mouse I couldn't help giggle at his happiness. "Well then hop in..." he paused waiting for my name "Anaxu Alexanders. Oh and this is my dog Lyla." I replied "Hello Lyla and its nice to meet you Anaxu. Please hop in." I smiled and helped Lyla in the back then got in the front passenger seat. "Thanks Max." he chuckled and it sounded off dark almost he turned to look at me and had this dark look on his face as he responded "You really should be careful who you get rides from... now SLEEP." and with that I couldn't fight the sleepiness off as my eyes closed and I fell deep asleep the last thing I heard echoing in my head was "You are OURS now and we will NEVER let you go our sweet MATE."  and with that I was out.

A/N this chapter is slightly shorter but I hope yall enjoyed it

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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