Chapter Three!

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Senior Inspector Jadhav opened the twin

wooden doors of his cabin walking inside,

sat down on the netted black chair facing

his junior officers, Sub. Inspectors Moray

and Karpe. There was pin- drop silence in

the room as the 3 men stared unblinkingly

at each other. Only difference were the

soft, apologetic looks of the junior officers

whereas their senior stared pointedly at

them, looking as if he were prepared to

swallow them alive. Jadhav noticed the

two shaking with nervousness and fear as

he rolled his eyes impatiently, waiting for

them to answer his questions. Clearing

his throat softly the senior inspector

looking straight at his juniors asked them


             "Guys, let's cut the crap and get

down to business pretty quick. Is there any

progress in the case? I am answerable to

our seniors just like you are to me. So I

sincerely hope you have found at least a

slight clue, the smallest lead which could

help us crack this murder at the earliest."

There was no mistaking the sarcastic

streak in Jadhav's tone as Moray and

Karpe looked at each other and sighed,

looking at their laced up black shoes. It

would put them in trouble if their boss

was not satisfied with their answers, but

they were anyway duty bound to answer

his questions. Swallowing the lump in his

throat Karpe looked his senior in the eye

and softly said,

          "Sir, we are truly sorry but so far we

have not stumbled upon any leads either

big or small. No clues, no hints, DNA, or

even a murder weapon. Hardly any solid

proof or evidence which might help us

pinpoint at any particular person and

declare him or her as the killer. Seems the

killer is really very smart, aleck and good

at dodging the investigators. He or she has

indeed taken every precaution to ensure

no one is able to catch them. Looks like

we are up against a really intelligent and

cunning brain." Finished Karpe sighing in

a weary manner not daring to look at his

senior straight in the eye. All the while

Jadhav was listening patiently to the little

speech by his junior. Soon as it ended, the

burly officer blinked once and said in a

gruff, clear tone,

        "Karpe and Moray, you two have been

working under me since 7 years to be pre-

-cise. I was under an impression thinking

all these years you probably gained

enough experience to understand the finer

points of any criminal acts. Particularly

an act such as a murder. We have a killer,

a really ruthless killer who is good at

avoiding detection, cleaning up after himself.

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