Prolouge 2

433 10 1

-Still Flashback-

Huggy: So we'll never see  each other again?

Y/N: We will! Unless something happens....But never mind that if that's the case then I made you all something to remember me by!*pulls out a bunch of crafted Flower crowns out* I tried making real ones but that didn't work so I made hand crafted ones! We can all wear them and if I ever come back we'll recognize each other straight away!

*They put The Crowns on everyone*

Y/N: Daddyyyyy just put the darn crown onnnnn*Trying to get daddy long legs to put a pink flower crown on*

Daddy Long Legs: Nope too girly

Y/N: *Looks at mommy long legs* Mommy please get your husband to put the crown on-

Mommy Long legs:*gives Daddy the death stare* Put.The.Crown.On.Long legs*eye twitch*

Daddy long legs:*Scared for his life*o-o-o-okay*puts it on*

Y/N: Thank You :).....I only have a few more days until the move so let's make the best of it!

*for the next 5 days they spend a bunch of time together*

Y/N:.... I guess this is goodbye...I'll miss you all

The Toys:....You will come back eventually Right....?*they all look sad*

Y/N: let's hope so...if not, when you miss me think of the good times and wear the crowns...Well I have to go... See you all Someday!*waves goodbye*

-Flashback Over-

You sighed as you unpacked the last box and sat on your couch, you picked up your flower crown and decided to go back to You took your crown and got into your car, after about 10 minutes you were there, you hoped they remembered you after all those years... if not you'll make new memories. You saw it was locked but you picked the lock, you didn't want to wait for Playtime.Co to open you wanted to see them now, after 6 years you would do that too.

You walked in and picked up a grab pack, you always put one on before you checked on the Toys so you could mess with Bunzo by poking him with it. But, Something Felt......


The Old Friend {Poppy Playtime X Reader/Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now