Talent Show Preparations (part 1)

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*The doors open*

Lady P: Huh?

Liliana: Heyooo! Its us!

Lady P: What are you guys doing here?

Six: Liliana wants to help with the props already.

Lady P: Uh.. i guess the more help gets the job done faster?

Liliana: Oh right! I'll be right back!

Lady P: Alright..

*Liliana leaves*

Lady P (whisper): What is that girl planning?

Raincoat girl (whisper): I dont know! She just pulled us up here!

Six (whisper): I didnt even get to eat.

Lady P: Well, lucky for you.. i have an extra sandwich!

Six: Really?

Lady P: Yep! I'll go get it!

Six: Why does she have sandwiches backstage?

Raincoat girl: She keeps them there just in case we get hungry!

Six: Ah..

*Lady P walks to the backstage, she returns in awhile*

Lady P: Here you go!

*Lady P hands the sandwich to Six*

Six: Thanks!

*As Six eats, Liliana opens the door, with a bunch of people holding the two metal poles for her*

Lady P: GOSH!

Liliana: Im back!

Raincoat girl: Um.. welcome back?

Liliana: Here are the two metal poles! Where do they place them?

Lady P: .. You can just leave them near the stage, not on the stage though!

Liliana: You heard her, GO!

*The people nod, placing the two metal rods down*

Liliana: Alright, you did your job. Shoo shoo! Ill pay later.

*They walk off*

Six: Sooo.. what now?

Liliana: We hang them!

Raincoat girl: How are we going to do that, exactly?

Liliana: I dont know..

Lady P: We'll figure it out!

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