Are You Okay?!

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*ring ring ring*

Raincoat girl: What the-

Lady P: Six!

Six: What?

Lady P: You are not allowed to have your phone with you during club time!

Six: Sorry..

Six: You know what happened with the others.

Raincoat girl: Well.. It could be an accident!

Lady P: Fine. 

Lady P: Just go pick it up!

*Six nods, picking the phone up*

*Raincoat girl and Lady P walk over to Six*

Six: Um.. hello?

Pretender (over the phone): You have to come back home right now!

Six: Huh? Why?

Raincoat girl: Is there a house fire?!

Pretender (over the phone): No! There's something wrong with our Six and she's unresponsive!!

Raincoat girl: What? What do you mean!?

Pretender (over the phone) She's in the fetal position, crying and hyper-ventilating! She's refusing to speak to us!

Pretender (over the phone): Please! Get home!!

Six: Alright, we're on our way home!

Raincoat girl: Sit tight!

*They hang up*

Lady P: Are you guys leaving?

Six: Yes!

Six: Tell The Lady it was an emergency, you can come with us after telling her!

Raincoat girl: Also, grab our backpacks for us!-

*Six grabs Raincoat girl's hands rushing out*

*They arrive at their house*

Raincoat girl: WE'RE HOME!

*They burst through the door*

Six: Is Six Number 2 okay!?

Pretender: Oh thank The Lady! What are we going to do?!

Raincoat girl: I- We dont know!

Six: Where's other me!?

*Six looks around, she spots other Six, on the ground in the living room, clawing herself while Mono is trying to stop her*

Raincoat girl: What- 

*Six approaches them*

Six: Uh.. does this even happen often!?

Mono: No! This is only the second time!

*Mono grabs Six's hands so she could stop scratching herself*

Raincoat girl: Well, what did you do to stop her!?

Mono: She was crying about her sister! 

Mono: I told her that her sister's death wasnt her fault at all and she slowly calmed down!

Raincoat girl: This.. isnt about her sister, no?

Mono: Not at all!

Six: Then what do we do!?

*A black smoke appears, forming into the shape of a little girl with a raincoat on*

Raincoat girl: What is that?

Six: I think.. i have a feeling its her shadow-

*The shape opens its eyes, revealing blood red eyes that Six Number 2 had*

Mono: You...

Shadow Six: Oh! Hiya Mono.

*She casually says, she then turns to Six and raincoat girl*

Shadow Six: Ah hah! Im guessing that one is the other version of you!

Six: Um..

Mono: What.. what did you do to Six?!

*Shadow Six looks to Mono, smiling*

Shadow Six: Nothing~!

Mono: Liar!

Shadow Six: Fine.. we got into a fight!

*She crosses her arms*

Mono: I dont believe thats all!

Shadow Six: Its not my fault! She's such a drama queen.

Mono: Shadow, I know that Six is very emotionally detatched, its a fact.

*As Mono rolls his eyes, Shadow Six scoffs*

Shadow Six: The Six i know is a crybaby.

Six: Shut up.

*Shadow Six turns to Six Number 2, shocked*

Shadow Six: What did you say? Are you talking to me?!

Six: Shut.. up!

*As Six stands up, numerous clouds of static that looks like black magic appeared everywhere, static appeared around Six's red eyes*

Six (whisper): Im hoping they dont fight in our house because if they do, it'll be chaotic.

*Raincoat girl nods*

Raincoat girl: Wait.. where's Star?!

Six: Star..

*Raincoat girl gasps*

Six: Star might be with Liliana!

*Raincoat girl and Six walks around Six Number 2 and Shadow Six, walking into Liliana's room*

Six: Liliana!

Raincoat girl: Star!

*As Liliana gets up from her sleep, Star walks towards Raincoat girl*


this is a collab with @Cherry_Blossom2008! you should go check out "Abandoned Broadcaster"! Its the AU they're using and its really good :D

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