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Seeing Caliban faint, Ben and Rose panicked.

Rose ran frenziedly out looking for a doctor as Ben kept shaking her in his arms and shouting her name, expecting a
A doctor and the two nurses rushed in, ushered Ben and Rose out, and drew the curtain to attend to her without interruptions.

Five minutes later,

the doctor came out of the ward. They
rushed to him impatiently asking if Caliban was stable.
The doctor shook his head as he looked at Ben,

“We lost
her. She was too weak because she laboured for too
long” was all he said before leaving them.
Looking dazed, Ben walked into the ward, straightway to
the bed where Caliban lay.

With trembling hands, he removed the white sheet covering her face. Seeing her
lying lifeless, her lips purple, her skin pale and cold, he burst into tears.

Rose, still finding it difficult to believe what was happening, remained static in the hallway, her legs frozen.

Soon a nurse brought the baby into the ward and handed him over to Ben, who seeing the red-cheeked baby boy who looked like his mother curled up in a white shawl, tried to control what would have been an outburst by covering his mouth with his hand.

He squeezed his mouth as hard as he could, staring at the baby through
the cloud of tears in his eyes.

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