Chapter 3

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Back at Ruby, the government had tried all safety precautions they could, but Zara was just so uncontrollable. It now ruled the northern part of the country, it came and went when it pleased, killed people right on the spot, while others disappeared depending on how hungry it was.
The government once sent Special Forces to the Dark Zone who never came back, not even an escapee and being in the house didn't help anymore as this beast took off roofs whenever it ravaged for food.
The president resorted to requesting for the help of the U.S government. Being a neighbouring country, the U.S felt the need to arise and tackle the beast before it went out of hand and probably become a threat to them in the future.
Moore, a notable Lieutenant General of the U.S army arrived with a team of ten men forming a special force called, The Planning and Strategy Team, trained specially for high threats like Zara.
Fortunately, Moore formerly lived in Ruby, before he pursued his career further in the army years ago so he had all it took to take down this bloody beast.
He had made his research on Zara, going through history to know all about its habitat, strength, weaknesses, and how it operated.
On the first week of his arrival, he went around the city in an official truck given to him by the government, engraving the picture of the nooks and crannies of the town in his heart to enhance proper planning and strategy. Apparently, he was looking for the best spot with the right space to lure Zara, trap it, and kill it with the numerous advanced weapons he had brought from the U.S. Driving close to Trenchard Park, he parked the truck at a reasonable distance, feeling a strong aura of Zara.
He alighted from the car, put off his cowboy hat and flung it onto the backseat.
He took out his binoculars and scanned through the field. He nodded in satisfaction as he looked through the lenses. Scanning towards the left, he saw an amazing view. Far into the distance was a thick forest which he assumed to be the legendary abode of Zara. Being careful on his own, he made sure no threatening figure like Zara was around before he moved towards the park.
Planning, demonstrating with his hands, feet, and head, and mumbling words to himself, he ran back to the car. He took out a large piece of paper and drew out a detailed map of the park with the large field beside it. He then retreated to town.Getting to the fortress, he beckoned the special force into a large room set aside for their mission. He placed the map on a long table, holding the edges to the table with four thumb pins and explained to them the strategic points he had marked out on the map beside Trenchard Park, the best spot to lure Zara out, he claimed.
“I heard it regularly attacked the park. There is eighty percent chance it attacked because of the population of people always visiting the park and the regular noise from the place.”
He then suggested that they lure Zara using the same tactics, creating a scene of a normal day and night in Trenchard Park. They all gave their consent, bringing different ideas and planning their charade.
First, they sent letters to the army in the country requesting for men. Second, different weapons; guns, shields, grenades and trucks were obtained and on the third day, over two hundred men were stationed. With his usual elegance which all soldiers and even his superiors envied, he addressed them all on the mission without mincing words. Aided by a projector large enough for everyone to see, he displayed different strategies suiting his plan for the Trenchard Park mission. The park would be lit so brightly that it could be seen from afar at night, and all park equipment, including the demo beings, would function. To create additional attraction, drums would be beaten. Some men would be positioned at the park as though they were having fun, drumming and dancing until the telescope glimpsed Zara approaching, then they would all assume their positions and attack.

After a few days of perfect planning, they set out. Ten trucks led the way to the park. Moore sat in the front seat of the first truck while three other members of the special force occupied the back seat. Getting to the park, the trucks were parked in strategic areas, some containing grenades set to explode once Zara stepped on them.
Fifty men dressed in green were stationed in trenches covered with grasses, having leaves covering their heads for perfect disguise and each having binoculars.
They all held sniper rifles in their hands, every one of them in different positions. The charade went on for three days and three nights.
On the fourth day, as soon as the sun set, the wind began to blow, and the cloud gathered as though it was about to rain. Moore following his hunch picked up his binoculars, and the man stationed at the telescope did the same simultaneously.
At the horizon, a figure covered the sun, there was an urgency in the air, Moore signalled to all men. Those stationed in the trenches made sure they were well hidden; others assumed their positions with shields and AK 47s.
Those beating the drums  continued to beat the drums harder and fiercer with more fervency.
Strangely, none of the binoculars and telescope saw the figure any longer. Moore looked intently into his binoculars but there was no sign of the figure. There was a moment of silence and suspense, the air became intense and ominous.
Suddenly, there was a loud cry of a soldier from the rear.
Zara caught them by surprise as it turned their ambush against them, attacking from the rear. The structure of Trenchard Park was under its feet as it hurled one of the soldiers into its mouth.
Immediately, Moore ran swiftly to the middle of the soldiers and ordered them to immediately take alternative positions and shoot at Zara.
He signalled to the snipers who aimed at their target.
Zara got angry as the bullets hit it, unfortunately, the bullets could not penetrate into its thick skin.
Moore then ran as fast as he could towards a truck full of grenades. Drove it close to Zara and as soon as Zara was about to step on the truck, he jumped swiftly out and ran far away from the truck. The truck exploded as Zara stepped on it, Zara staggered with burns under its feet. Many soldiers close to the area were caught up in the explosion.
Suddenly, thunder struck and because of its huge size and proximity to the sky, Zara was affected by lightning. The lightning struck it and caused it to lose its balance.
Staggering, it stepped on the trucks filled with explosives, and the soldiers who were still alive also continued to rain bullets at it.
Zara roared in pain and the effect of its roar caused a raging wind that swept soldiers off their feet. It then retreated into the forest, though even its retreat cost some soldiers their lives as it stepped on them on its way.
Moore stopped the remaining soldiers from following it into the forest as that would only mean them going into the confines of a wounded animal. He then commanded a retreat to their base for proper strategic planning.
About one third of the soldiers were dead, and half of those that were alive were wounded beyond remedy. This was not the battle they had always trained for.
Moore, seeing that his plan at least wounded Zara and caused it to retreat, knew well that the return of Zara could be more disastrous than ever. Greater woe to anyone who encountered the wounded and angry Zara.

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