3• we meet again ◇

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Y/N pov
My alarm went off, I felt something soft on my face,it was midnight who on my body, "Good morning mid " As I cuddle her in my arms , she pureed softly, I went to my bathroom and start taking a hot shower, I got my body wash ,it smell like rantaro a little " wait why I am thinking of him, damn this boy is killing me " I thought to myself. I wrapped my body with a towel and went to my closet got my underwears, clothes and shoes. I decided to wear light white tang top ,a black oversized hoodie with a black mini skirt , some ripped fish nets and a high tops. I did my long ( h/c) hair , I decided to make two high twin tails with whiterubberbans with a simple silver handband. , wore the bracelet, got my headphones, my phone and bag. I got a text from Kyoko.
◇Kyoko◇: are you ready cream? Hurry up, feel like five years 🥱
Me: coming!
◇Kyoko◇: on your door.
"Good morning kiki " I said as I opened my door " good morning cream " she said with soft smile. " you too be good okay ?" I drop my cats at my friend's house, " you know y/n , they are always such angels." Said Mrs briar " miss b you should them at home one day when you come" I said " bye you too " they both started cuddling with my fingers and bracelet " aww that so cute " As we started walking to school " both look so innocent " Kyoko said " midnight maybe but not mocha, kiki " " why?" She asked " because she always loves trouble and cuddles " " true ". We reached the school gate suddenly we heared " y/n, Kyoko, watch out! nagito is rolling down the slope " , it was Sonia . Luckily we didn't get hit by him and I went to check if he was okay," all good? " As I helped him get up " yeah I'm okay y/n." Nagito said with that award winning smile and I started peting his head. As I walked into the school, the first thing I know, I got a bear hug from Angie " ow God damn Angie that hurt" i Said as I fell right on my ass. " sorry " she said " are you okay y/n?" I heard someone's voice, it was shuichi voice. " I am fine shuichi " I said as he helped in getting me up . I said bye to Kyoko, shuichi and Angie as they went to their classes, I decided to wait for nagito " ready y/n ?" Nagito asked me " hell yeah! " As I walked into the classroom I almost got hit by a chair, it was Akane and nekomaru, " y/n are you ok?" asked Hajime as he was helping chiaki getting untied then everyone asked if I was okay, " I am OK guys " I said " so did you like the present? " asked Mahiru " uhmm......y... e...sss!"I scream " knew she will like it" Nagito said " thanks for chocolate though."" Welcome. " everyone said in union. I sat in my seat as class started ~○~lunch time ~○~ I swear I was so bored in history, I decided to go to the library get a nice book to put my mind away from the negative in my life, everyone was so Busy though in preparing something in the school. As I walked though the hall " y/n wait " I heard someone called my name. It was Sara, the ultimate ballerina and one of my oldest family friends. Sara is really shy talk to. trust me whenshe opensuptoyou, it will be worth it .
" You walk too fast y/n " she said
" sorry "
" where are you going "
" the library."
" can you do me a favor please?"
"sure "
" can you tell Kim that today practice will be after break "
" got it sis "
" thanks so much "
and she ran off "God she be great marathon runner though " I went to library and found Kim , she reading 400 days by Chetan Bhagat,
" Kim "
"" Oh hi y/n all time no see"
" same , hey Sara said that practice will be after lunch."
" thanks for telling."
" welcome, how the book , what happened?"
" it on the good part now, hey are you though? "
" sorry sis , no because of practice."
" oh , that okay see you later ." She left
I went to the fiction section, the book I went was on a higher level than my height.
" here." I saw someone getting the book for me.
" thank you." I said and I was shocked who it was .
It was Rantaro !
" hey angel " As he started peting my hair
" how did you study in this school?!"
" same answer from me though "
" Nani!?"
I had admitted I was happy to see him though, his hands were soft though. >=<
" hey .... I want know, are you going to party  on this Saturday?"
" yeah I'm going and you? "
" same "
" see you around gorgeous."
He left, I swear I was blushing so hard when he left
( school ends and practice is over )
I felt so sleepy ...... I changed into a hoodie and shorts . Ate my dinner, put my phone on phone on changing I suddenly heard a ping , it was a message from Rantaro!
" holy God of mercy what?!"  I opened it
Rantaro: hey.
Rantaro: it was nice to see your face again .
Rantaro : so can you meet  me at library in  lunch break okay?
Me: sure. ^-^
Rantaro: you look so cute when you smile
I swear to Gothis boy is killing me!
Me : shut up .
Rantaro: really?
Me : God Taro,  you know to kill a girl.
Rantaro: aww too sweet darling.
Rantaro : hey you should get some sleep and my younger sisters are making the house a mess
Me : wait you have siblings?
Rantaro: yeah,  2 brothers and 12 sisters ,you?
Me : 12 siblings , I grew up in a family of 50
Rantaro : noice... good night angel.
Me : good night Taro.
♡To be continued ♡

A angel from heaven RANTARO AMAMI X READERWhere stories live. Discover now