If you love me act like it

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Stress doesn't bring out my best

Also, I've couldn't care less

If my house is a mess my head is distressed

I'm not thinking about what you'll confess

I got work to do

I've got my eyes on you

I  know the truth.

Come surprise me, you know I do

Enjoy the variety of lies you

Tell, but sure I've got enough, oh, man!

When you will ever assume anything you did?

I've rolled my eyes a hundred times.

I'm sick of trying to pacify the urge inside

Your tiny mind tries to hide

That you are never ever satisfied

And you don't know what you like....

It only does you harm,

It makes you a clown

You're starring in your own 

Decaying show.

If you need an alarm,

Here it is, don't grasp, don't yawn, 

It's time you wake up from your daydream!

And make sure you know what you want if we're dating,

Or else, go outside, it's a bigger place for  playing games, 

So now you know, I'm not your maze.

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