Chapter 2: Following me?

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I walk up to Jack, who is siting down, chomping on a peice of meat.
"Jack, that was the last leg" i say my ears going down. Its been a few days since i got dentention and met Vahntyr. His eyes never leave my brain and i cant stop thinking about him. Jack is nice dont get me wrong but...there is something so alluring about being in love with a campire. Its is very risky. And im willing to take that risk
"Sorry hanny, ive been chasing deers all really tired" he groans, he continus chomping down on tbe leg.
"Is there anything else?" I question because i can feel my stomach growling in hunger. "Yes, antlers" he points toward a pile of antlers. He knows how much i love deer antlers. "Thank you so much Vahn-" i cut midway. I just realized what i sayd. He looks up from chewing the leg as the rest of the pack looks up "what did you just say?" Vahn-i mean Jack growls. The pack all turns toward me their ears back and glaring at me. "I meant vans! Like the shoe because if i didnt wear them we wouldnt ve able to hunt for this food" i quickly said. I grab an antler and run away.
When im away from them, i let out a deep sigh " so glad i got out of there they were all glaring at me." I glared back at them from behind the bush.
I chew on my antler but something doesnt seem right. Thats right i dont have my berries. I walk up and i look for some delicious berries to coat on my antlers. I find a smaller little bush with small red berries (just pretend its a berry because i dunno any type of berry!!) and pick it with my teeth since im in my wolf foem. As i am grabbing them i hear a branch snap. I turn around and see...
He also seems to be shoked because he takes a stepback. "W-WOLF! He yells, grabbing a silver knife from the pocket of his pocket. I wasnt scared of the knife i could probably beat him but i wouldnt since he is handsome. I was instead afraid of the silver. I howl in disgust and quickly fle from him.
I dropped my berries because i just wanted to fet kut if there. I quickly run over to Jack who is concered about me "there you are Hannah! Were were you?" I pant and look back "SOME GUY HAD A SILVER KNIFE WHILE I WAS TRYING TO COLLECT BERRIES" i yell. I then realize it would be better if i shutted up because when j scream in my wolf form it sounds like howls to non-wolves.
"Who?!?!?" Jack growls standing up and in the defensive positoin.
I realize i could possibly give away Vahntyr's locatuon and Jack could kill him. I dont want that to happen.
"I dunno! I didnt see him inly his knife.." i whimper hiding my face.
The leader of the wolf pack Calalobo comes up to us. "We must leave. Obviously there ate humans in the vicnity." The leader of the pack happens to be my father which means hes very overprotective of me. "Holalobo, we must leave." Holalobo is my wolf name, but i don't like being called that hane. It makes me feel like not human. "Okay dad." I say. "It's Calalobo to you." I click my teeth. "Whatever" i mumble under my breath.
The pack packs up and we leave

~Tomorrow morning~

As i wake up i take my silk bonnet of my head. My curly hair isnt long enough to braid so i put it in a bonnet. I get up and walk over to my mirror. Damn i look tired. "Hannah! Breakfast is done!" Yells my father from the living room. "Going just let me get changed!" I yell back. I walk to my closet and out on my usual outfit: ripped black skinny jeans with a red hankerchif tied around my left thigh a black sleevless tank top with a moon on it an oversized dark green jacket with fur hood a necklace with a crescent moon on it and some black boots with white stripes at the bottom and tiny little wolf ears on the tounge.
I fix my curls and put on my makeup, which is black lipstick and white eyeliner with some glitter on my eyelids. I put blush on my cheeks and I go eat breakfast.

~Le time skip~

Jack kisses my goodbye. "Have fun in physics" "i will" i say to hin. I give him a kiss back and i run to the class. Theres a line to get in because temhe teacher likes to fist bump everybody. I slant my body to the wal but i feel a shiver going down my spine. It feels like someone is watchif me. I look to the side and Vahntyr is there. He is staring at me from across the hall resting on the wall. I dont think he realizes he has a class to go to? I shake the feelung and continue walking forward to the physics class.

~One class later~

As i walk to my french class I see a familiar figure standing at the door. He seems to be talking to the teacher.
"Hi miss." I say putting my fist out for a fist bump. She fisr bumps me. "Hannah now tgat tou're here i got to talk to you about your grades." I gulp. "Okay...what is thus about?" I ask her. Im nervous since Vahntyr just stands there and looks at me. Shes talking but im not focusing on her. I try my best to avoid Vahntyrs look at me because his eyed are so cold and hot.
"...i hope you can keep up the good work!" She finishes. I quickly nof my head and run into the classroom.

~Next period~

I haven't seen Vahntyr which is good. I dont want to see him. I sit down in my chair for Ap european history. The teacher tells us to write five facts from the book. I sigh bored and take out a peiece of paper. "Can i have a piece?" Someone asks. It was Vahntyr. "Why are you sitting here?" I ask. "There was a switch between me and Jack. Aperently he wasnt focusing enough. Oh my god could this get any worse?! I think to myself. I give him a piece of paper and i continue writing down in my book. But i can feel him looking at me.

~Next next period later~

It was finally lunchtime which means me and Jack where going to eat our delicious lunch our parents packed for us. I sit down with Jack at a circle table and open my lunchbox. Steak and sliced deer antlers sit there. "Oh boy this will be good." But i see someone looking at me. It was Vahntyr once again. I decided i had enough

"Jack excuse me i've got to wash up." I say to him. "Okay by babe be quick or else ill eat your food!" I fake laugh and walk up to Vahntyr who stands by the restrooms.

"Okay why are you are following me?" I growl at him. "I've got my eyes on you Hannah. I feel you are hopeless in your situation." He says. I blush and look to the side. "Hopeless about what?" I ask. "Someone you love. Your dad maybe. Who knows." He gets closer to me. "Ill be able to know if you just let me get some of your blood..." he asks. I cannot give him my blood for he will know i am a werewolf. "N-no thank you." I mymble
"Would you like to go out with me this night."
I throw all my instincts out of my window and i feel my body getting sweaty and shaky. He is so could i say no? Its just a date after all.
"...I would like to. Yes."
He gives me a look of pleasing and walks back to a seat all by himself.
I walk back to my seat.
"That was quick Hannah! Hurry up and eat so your food doesnt get cold!" Jack jokes. I smile and take a slice of steak and chew it.
It is still warm.

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