new info for Blade

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Blade is the brother of Sun and Moon. His twin brother is Axel. He works for Eclipse, the reason for this is his brothers never payed attention to him and always ignored him. He is very skilled with every weapon that exists. He knows magic. He travels around dimensions when bored or wants to be alone or is upset (when upset, he can be found in a space dimension). He can sing but he only sings when he's alone. He is very good with building and sculpting. He has anger issues and trust issues. He has a huge fear of abandonment. He is close friends with Chaos. He likes skipping stones across the lake and staring at the stars in his freetime. He loves pranking people. He has a fear of loud noises. He isn't social at all. He is very claustrophobic and he hates small spaces. He gets into fights alot.

(May add more info later)

Have an amazing day/night!

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