Chapter Four: Stream

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This is exactly how I envision Ayumu looking

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This is exactly how I envision Ayumu looking.

This is the stream that she is at in this chapter

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This is the stream that she is at in this chapter.


The stream filled the air with the sounds of rushing water hitting rocks. It was clear enough I could see the fish swimming slowly in the direction of the current, taking their sweet time to get to wherever they were going. The sunrise casts a gleam over the water through the thick shade of the trees above. This was as good of a place as any to bath, considering fighting over who got to have the bathroom next at the brothel sounded about as appealing as having my arm chewed off by a rabid beast.

I sat my change of clothes on a patch of grass by the bank before slowly trudging out my slip-on shoes. The ground was cool against my feet, the sand mushing in around them from being soggy with water. Next to do was the thin gown that I despised just as much as the rose stench it was encased in.

The fabric brushed my shoulder as it lowered to the ground in a circle around my feet. The water was freezing realizing just why the fish were swimming so slowly. Inch by antagonizing inch I eased myself off into the stream in nothing but my thin undergarments that did little to protect my body from the cold water. This stream must be running off a cold spring for it to remain at this temperature despite the summer sun beating down on it.

Eventually, I work my way to my hips deciding it would be best to go under in one big motion instead of suffering inch by inch. Kind of like ripping a bandaid off.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight and fall into the water. The cold rushed around me stealing my breath away and making me tempted to open my mouth but knowing it would drown me. When I merged from the water I heard the clicking of horsefeet digging into the mud.

Hot panic raced up my spine, ridding any chill I had from the water. Before I could even contemplate what to do the horses were at the edge of the bank and I was stuck in this water unless I wanted three Fae Warrior men to see me in nothing but my frail, nearly see-through undergarments.

The one in the front was noticeably larger than the other two, I don't think I had ever seen a Fae so large in my life. Not in my visions, not even in the history books I read as a child. He looks vaguely familiar even though I know if I would have seen his face before I would have distinctly remembered considering it had a long jagged scar running nearly from his head to his chin. The flesh wasn't pink and angry look as it would have been on a Mortal, it was white with a small gleam to it.

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