Chapter Eleven: War

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I'm trying something different by writing this chapter is Haldis's point of view, the fact that some things can't be covered by Ayumu. So, enjoy our man's inner thoughts for this chapter because I don't know if there will be another one ;)

 So, enjoy our man's inner thoughts for this chapter because I don't know if there will be another one ;)

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Duke Bane


Three weeks into this war and I've had seventy-two men go insane, thirteen deaths, and the numbers just kept growing. I felt every single one of these deaths personally because they were on my hands. I had to deliver the news to their wives and children when we got back to Ouizwell.

These men were under my command and trusted me to do them justice but lately, it just feels like a massacre. The beasts were relentless in their efforts to bypass us into The Outerwall and to the borders of Ouizwell.

Something was chasing them out of their home and a sinking feeling in my gut told me that it couldn't be good.

There was a meeting being held at Duke Bane's mansion in a week and it couldn't come quick enough, I needed support to enlist more people and I needed someone to help me become one step ahead of them instead of one step behind.

The queen should be there as well as all of the nobles, surely someone there was willing to supply more men and women, we had plenty of warriors. One healer was running herself ragged taking care of all of the injured men, they were growing tired of eating broth every day. We needed people behind the scenes taking care of the warriors on the front lines.

Healers, cooks, gatherers, and so on. It would come in handy to have a Teller on the battlefields too, for a moment I'm taken back to the small human that I shared a room with nearly a month ago.

She was ... different. There was just something about her that didn't fit into any one category. She had no place on a battlefield, I needed a Fae Teller, one that didn't have such fragile skin, and knew a little more about their powers.

Her burns had been awful, and I hated the way she tried to hide her pain by wincing when she wanted to yelp as she turned in her sleep.

Her drawings have stuck with me over the past few weeks, why she had been gifted visions of my childhood shook me. No one knows how I received the scar on my face, but her.

Oberon and Bolt have asked, and I never told them, so they just make up stories about it all of the time.

With any luck, she was heeding my advice and keeping her powers under wraps, or she would end up working for one of the royals, doing their dirty bidding. A memory from long ago resurfaces. A time I had taken the life of an innocent because I was forced to.

I quickly shoved down the painful memory and rolled onto my side trying to ignore the pained sounds of a wounded man.

Sleep never came that night.

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