Chapter 5 Sophies POV

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I sighed and flopped down on my bed. My friends had just left and Biana had told me to be at Everglen in 10 minutes. Biana was really excited to be back at her house. She was living in the silver towers too, and she also missed home. I was still lost in thought, when I heard a knock on my door. Assuming that it was Biana, I yelled,

"Come in!" But when the door opened, it wasn't Biana who stood staring it me. It was Keefe. And he did not look good. He stood at the door with tears running down his face. He looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown, so I jumped off the bed, and ran over to him. I lead him over to my couch, and sat down beside him.

"What happened Keefe?" I asked gently. He tried to talk but every time he did, he just started sobbing again. "It's ok Keefe." I said gently. "Can I look at your memories?" He nodded silently. My mind was much stronger now, and I no longer had to put my hands on someone's temples in order to read their mind. I entered his mind. It was a mess. Anger and rage swirled around his head, but mostly, there was sadness. Overwhelming sadness. I sat in stunned silence as I watched the scene replay. I felt Keefe start to tremble. As I exited his mind I said, "Wow Keefe. I'm so sorry." Keefe just nodded and kept crying. I realized the he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, so I told Keefe that I would be right back, grabbed my Imparter, and hailed Biana.

"Hey Biana?" I said as Biana appeared on the tiny screen.


"I'm gonna be a little late." Biana looked confused. But when she saw Keefe behind me, she understood.

"That's ok!" She replied. "Just head over as soon as you can." And she clicked away. I headed back over to the couch.

"It'll be alright Keefe." I snuggled up beside him, he put his arms around me, and I let him cry into my shoulder.

Sorry that I haven't updated lately, I've been busy, but here it is! (Here I am talking to myself because no one reads my stupid stories)

Complete - A SoKeefe storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang