[a/n: i added a video of what Filipino Debuts look like. the video depicts a REALLY extravagant one because it's of a Filipino actress from the Philippines. but i mention an 18-flower dance in this chapter & if you want to see what i'm talking about, start the video at 2:28.]
I wanted to stay in bed and eat Hot Cheetos all day. But of course, my Saturday plans were immediately thwarted the moment my mother bursted into my room to wake me up. You'd think the wheelchair she was temporarily confined in would slow her down, but it seemed like it only sped her up. Her signature scent of citrus and peonies wafted into my nostrils, and behind that welcoming smell was another of buttery, syrupy french toast.
"Anak, wake up," there was a tender rub against my back and I responded in a groan.
(translation: child)
"Two more hours mom," I negotiated, my voice muffled against my soft pillow. Though I couldn't see my mother's face, I knew that she was rolling her eyes.
"Ari, tama na. Wake up, now. You've got a long day ahead of you," mom explained. "Your Ate is cooking your favorite breakfast, there's Starbucks, and even a bag of Hot Cheetos for the ride over to the Ritz."
(translation: stop now; older sister)
I let out a huge disappointed sigh, rolling around in my covers to face my mother. She sat in that wheelchair with a big smile on her face and the excitement of my party was radiating through her skin - she had a glow about her that she couldn't eschew and it was a beautiful thing to see. I let out a small grin before lifting myself out of the comfort of my warm blanket.
"Only cause there's Hot Cheetos," I groggily noted, slipping out of bed and scratching my right butt cheek.
Mom chuckled at both my words and my actions as I yawned and trekked out of my room. With my mother right behind me, she took no hesitation in playfully smacking my ass. I teetered slightly, holding onto my rump, as I glanced back at my mom with my jaw dropped to my chest.
"Mommy!" I shrieked.
"Happy Birthday, Ari," mom chuckled, before shrugging innocently, prompting me to shake my head in disapproval. Mom's sense of humor was never really lost, and when she started to regain her health back, the corny jokes and ass-smacking came back too.
Downstairs on the kitchen table, were a big plate of french toast stacked high. With maple syrup oozing from each slice, my mouth salivated at the enchanting sight before me. Mia caught my ogling and chuckled, setting down another plate of mouthwatering goodies- eggs, hash browns, bacon, and Filipino breakfast staples of rice, red hotdogs, and Spam.
"Happy 18th Birthday!" Mia greeted happily. She stood at the stove, a spatula in one hand and a cup of coffee in another.
"Thanks Ate. When did you get here?" I asked Mia, taking a seat at the table. "It's barely 9:30 in the morning. Didn't you have a night class?"
(translation: older sister)
"I got home around midnight," Mia told me, "After class, I swung by the apartment to grab my dress before coming here," she pointed to the empty plate in front of me, "eat up baby sister. Seriously. You're gonna need the energy today."
"Ugh, don't remind me," I grumbled, grabbing food and piling it onto my plate. "This whole thing is stressing me out."
"Trust me, I know. I can see worry wrinkles already developing on your forehead," Mia poked my face before I slapped her hand away. "But you'll have fun tonight, I know you will. Your closest friends and our entire family will be there. Even if you accidentally goof up on one of your dance routines, it won't matter because it'll just be another memory to laugh about later."

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings au
FanfictionLuke's ass sits on a throne at the top of the social chain, but with popularity comes limitations. Don't do this; don't do that; you like which movie? As Luke loses sight of who he is, Ari Quiroz steps into his life. Spunky and loudmouthed, the fear...