Bury The Hatchet GC!

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Hey, man. This is Ronnie.

I know you probably won't ever read this, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything. I let my anger take over and get between us.

We gotta make up not only for us, but for the fans. They need to know that its okay to listen to both of our bands.

Plus, I miss our friendship haha..

Wanna tour?


"Holy shit.." Craig mumbled as he read the email.

There was a thousand thoughts flowing through his head.

Why did he want to make up all of a sudden? This is suspicious. What if he's planning something? Why would he email me? Is this even Ronnie..?

But he still mustered up the courage to answer.


Of course dude!

The fans will love it!

And I gotta admit, I miss our friendship too!


Craig looked away as he pressed the send button. He knew he could've easily been making a mistake, but everything felt so right. Excitement overtook him as he stared eagerly at the computer screen, hoping that he didn't have to wait much longer for a response.

And soon enough, he received a response.



But how do you want to reveal it to everyone else?


Craig paused after reading the message. How could they reveal it to everyone? He knew that doing it in person would be ideal, but he didn't want to wait that long.


What about a group chat? :D


Sounds good, dude.

I'll make it.


And no more than a minute after Craig gave Ronnie everyone's numbers, the group chat was made.

Bury the Hatchet 🪓

Ronnie has added Craig, Jacky, and 7 others

Ronnie: hey everyone

Jacky: What is this..?

Robert: ...

Craig: Heyy Ronnie!

Max: HUH?.!.?

Ron: uhh what?

Derek: ?

Tj: I am so confused...

Thrash: omg

Ryan: what the fuck


Jacky: This cannot be real.. I do not believe it..
Jacky: Ronnie, is this true?

Ronnie: sure is, jack

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