⭒ Scene Girlz ⭒

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This entire thing is based off of the question in the interview "What would Chuck Norris say if he met Brokencyde?" It's so funny. Also, 2009 lineup because that's when I'm Not A Fan, But the Kids Like It! by Brokencyde came out.

"Hey, check this out."


"Come here and you'll see."

Max walked up to Monte, who was sitting at a computer desk scrolling through Youtube.

"The fuck is that?"

"I'm about to show you a song and you have to tell me what you think."

"Alright. Who's it b— Brokencyde?! Fuck no!"

"No, wait, Max, I swear it's good!"

"Nope- I will not be hearing you out. I could listen to rap music before I could ever listen to Brokencyde."

"Rap over Crunk? Sounds like horrible taste."

"Says the one who likes Brokencyde!"

"I don't! I just like this song!"

"I bet it sounds like everything else they've ever made because all their music sounds the same. Mikl or Se7en or whoever the fuck does the vocals needs to come up with new shit."

"What's all the commotion about?" Asked Craig as he walked into the room Monte and Max were in.


"What, Max?"

"Monte's trying to get me to listen to Brokencyde!"

"Brokencyde? Are you trying to make him deaf, Monte?" Craig asked in disbelief.

"I'm not-! You guys haven't even heard anything off of their new record, why are you already judging?"

"Because all of Brokencyde's music sounds the same."

"That's what I said!"

"You can't say all of their music sounds the same when they actually only had an ep out for a long time. You've heard five songs and think you can say that all of their music sounds the same?"

"Yes!" Max and Craig said in unison.

Monte sighed. "Will you guys just listen to this? I promise it's not horrible."

"I'd rather die than listen to Brokencyde honestly-"

"See? I'm not the only one!"

"Max, why do you keep yelling?" Asked Robert as he walked into the room.

"Because Monte's trying to get me to listen to a song off of Brokencyde's new record."

"Who's Brokencyde?"

"You remember those guys from warped? The ones who didn't go some of the days for whatever reason and people thought that they kicked them off?"


"The ones who hung out with that one girl group a lot. Fuck, what were they called?"

"Millionaires?" Asked Craig.


"Oh, the scene guys?"

"Yeah, see, I knew you knew them!" Max said, resting his elbow against Robert's arm. "They suck, huh?"

"I don't think I've actually heard any of their sets."

"Don't waste your time, Rob, they suck ass." Craig chimed in, cracking open a beer.

"I'll listen. You guys are probably exaggerating."

Craig and Max looked at each other, then a Robert.

"Whatever you say, but don't say we didn't warn you." Craig said, Max agreeing with a nod.

"It's called Scene Girlz, and I swear it's nowhere near as bad as they make it seem." Monte reasoned as he unpaused the video.

Craig and Max gagged and covered their ears like it was the worst thing they'd ever heard.

Robert listened to the song straight-faced. The whole song.

"..So, uh.. what'd ya think?" Asked Monte hopefully.

"Well. It's surely a song."

"HE HATES IT!" Yelled Max as he started jumping around. "I TOLD YOU BROKENCYDE SUCKS!"

"I don't hate it. It's not bad. Just not my thing." Robert shrugged and Max looked at him in disbelief.

"Ya know, that one wasn't as bad as the ones I've heard.." Craig admitted quietly.

"You're kidding me, right?" Max was disappointed to say the least. "That's not music!"

"Max, crunkcore isn't really your thing, but that doesn't make it bad? People don't like our music, but that doesn't make it bad." Robert tried to reason.

"Crunkcore isn't real music!"

"It is."

"It's not!"

"Someone put him in the corner or something, he needs a time out." Robert sighed.

Craig and Monte tried to conceal their laughter, but ultimately failed when Max pouted at them.

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