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No one pov:
Tommy was tired...Tubbo didn't want anything to do with him anymore. Philza, Techno, and Wilbur have given up on him long ago.

People he thought were his friends have tried to kill him and some even almost succeeded. It took so much energy getting out of bed, some days Tommy couldn't push himself off his bed.

Clutching onto his tater red and white shirt Tommy trys to give himself a reason to get up. It doesn't last long before his mind clouds with negative thoughts.

Soon it became harder for Tommy to breathe, instead of trying to calm down the teen grips onto his neck. Unbeknownst to him that XD was watching.

The god knew the teen was suffering the most whenever he's alone, as death had made them thrive on positive energy. Something the teen clearly haven't have in so long.

XD knew the teen befriended Drista and never asked for favors and when he did he try to repay her. If it was another mortal XD would have just ignored him.

Soon the god noticed that Tommy was turning blue, so he put the teen into a deep slumber.

XD pov:
"Death claims to love all her children equally, yet she let you suffer."

Looking down at the blonde teen named Tommy, a copy of his father, it was clear they're not 'okay' at all. Placing a hand on then I sent my magic through their body.

"Techno became the blood god, Wilbur a siren singer, and you... became a child soldier that followed that siren."

Looking through the teens mind he had no contact with Death after his birth. "It's clear that they don't care for you, so I'll free you from this world."

As those words were spoken the ground started to shake violently, Lady Death had heard me and wasn't pleased.

Picking up the teen up he felt light, he was so light I didn't need to use any strength in picking him up. Even when holding George it felt like holding a small pet. The teen was too much like a feather.

"I'll have to work fast before Death sends her angels and husband after me. So I'll send you to a place where time moves slow, that way you can finally live."

Opening up a portal I made sure the landing wouldn't be too hard. The sound of Death's murder of crows sent a shiver down my back, soon they will be here with her beloved angel.

Dropping the teen through the portal his connection to this world left. His memories will be fuzzy, but not locked away as the boy needs to heal.

It is in his right as he was the most 'human' out of everyone in Esempi.

"XD! Where is my son?!"

Keeping my back turned I watched as the portal close. I know Death was watching through the angles eyes, her murder were going crazy, they knew what had happened to the teen.

"I have given him his freedom to true happiness, the teen has earned it after his years of suffering. So your welcome Lady Death I've free your son for your grip."


'You've claimed that I'm heartless Death...yet I am the only one to remember how to be human. Just because your angel was once human doesn't make you understand them more.'

Turning towards the angle he looked beyond pissed. It'll always endless amusement to see them care when it's too late.

"The child is out of both our reach so even if I wanted to it's no longer in my power to do so."

At my words Death knew what I did and broke down through her angel. The murder swarms me and pecked were my eyes once were.

They always mock me for the lost of my eyes. A prize they took by chance eons ago.

"No, I'll get my baby back and I will make you pay for this XD!"

Having enough of this endless blaming I teleported back to my domain. It was silent once again.

"Drista will kill me for sending her friend away without letting them say 'bye' to Tommy. Sigh, may I help myself survive Death grief and Drista's pranks."

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