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Anna Maria Martinez
Today is going amazing. I have a big smile the whole time as much as my workmates made a couple of naughty remarks on the darker marks on my neck. I even let half of my hair down to try and hide the hickeys that I already tried to cover with concealer this morning.

Cecil walks up to me with some type of look on her face. "Something wrong?" I ask her feeling nervous. She has a magazine in her hand that she has folded like she doesn't want me to see it.
"Well I don't know how you'll react to this" she responds looking uncomfortable.
"What is it?" I respond anxiously.
"Anna, I don't know if it's right to show you.." she hesitates.
"Oh for Christ's sake Cecil" I reply impatiently taking the magazine from her.

I feel my heart stop when I see a picture of me, Cecil and drunk Alejandro on the day we took him home from the pub and grill on the front page. "The hell" I say to myself. When I flip through the magazine and arrive on the page where the article is.

The title is 'Ex multimillionaire Alejandro Martinez finds comfort in drinking daily following fraud allegations against him'

I quickly read through the article feeling my heart break into pieces for my husband. My sweet sweet Alejandro. He doesn't deserve this at all. I see a few details; 'newly wedded young Romanian bride carries him home neglected him....he's in all sorts of trouble because he has debt...broke...'

"Most of this isn't even true" I tell Cecil feeling frustrated.
"You know how these people are, trying to make a story out of nothing. Don't let it faze you." she comforts me.
"He doesn't deserve this." I say and she nods.
"I totally agree he..." she says before Derrick walks our direction.

"Hi Anna, Cecil. How are you guys doing?" He says joyfully. Cecil responds with the fakest laughter and I don't respond at all. "I see you've seen the latest magazine. Explains your current mood" he says trying to sound remorseful.
"Derrick, please" I say putting the magazine away and continuing to wipe the table as Cecil leaves for the kitchen.
"Anna, I'm still open to you if you'll have me" he says and I look up at him in disgust.
"I'm happily married Derrick. Do you know the meaning of that? I wouldn't leave my husband for anything, especially not you" I tell him in a low tone as I turn to wipe the glasses on the shelves. He just keeps making my mood worse.

"But as said in that article your sweet husband is.....speak of the devil" Derrick says making me look back. I spot Alejandro and Dan walking in with Dan's hand on Alejandro's back. They seem to be having a nice conversation.
"All in all, I'm happy to see you, you look great son" Dan says with a bright smile.
"Thanks Dan, I appreciate it." He responds and we immediately lock eyes. I feel happy to see him and him smiling make my heart feel warmer.

"Stay safe, hope to see you soon" Dan shakes my husband's hand and walks to us. "Derrick, didn't think you were coming in today?" Dan says with surprise in his voice.
"Well here I am. I'll be right with you" Derrick replies and Dan walks into his office. "If it isn't the famous Alejandro" he mocks. I stare at him already irritated from his comments earlier as I walk to the front of the counter to meet my husband.

"Hey wife" Alejandro wraps an arm around my waist and possessively kisses me on the lips. I immediately feel calm at his touch. I smile up at him.
"Hey husband" I respond with a smile.
"Am I late?" He asks completely ignoring Derrick and his foul remarks. I remember he was supposed to pick me up for lunch. I scrunch my nose and nod slowly. "I'm sorry, talking to my client took longer than expected. But not a problem, we can do dinner" he says kissing my forehead and I nod.
"Even better" I smile.

"See how tables turn Alejandro" Derrick starts to say making me feel irritated. "The good guys always remain standing, like me" he keeps talking.
"Derrick" Cecil says trying to shut him up.
"Don't mind him, he's trying to get to you," I say to Alejandro in his ear.
"I'll come pick you up later then?" He responds, calmer than I expected.

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