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200 reads for the next update loves... <3 

- Your Prince Of Madness, Arius.

Loki Stark layed splayed across the bed he and his husband, the one and only Tony Stark shared. Out of the corner of his ear, he heard the repetitive and drilling noise of JARVIS's alarm.

A sound he had gotten used to, over the last year. He shut his eyes back closed and started to dose off again.

A few minutes later, he heard the telltale noise of the door opening very faintly. 

His now cloudy with drowsiness brain didn't comprehend it until his lover sat on his chest and rubbed his shoulders to wake him up that he opened his mouth to speak loftily. 

"Mhmm- Ton- 10 more minutes... Please." He whined needily. "Nuh- uh. Steve made pancakes and I'm not missing them, pet" A bit of color spread through Loki's cheeks at the remark, Stark's pet names always a tease, even if they were married now.

Loki turned but Starks slightly rough but thin fingers caught his head and held his chin, stilling him before kissing him. "Tony--" Loki began, quickly shutting up and kissing back. 

The kiss ended fairly soon, and Loki felt his blanket cocoon being ripped off. He let out  a small sigh before pulling himself up and looking at his husband. Even through bleary eyes, Tony always looked stunning. 

White shirt, top 2 unbuttoned and simple black pants that hugged his lean muscular build. 

"Anthony, it is far too early!" he mumbled, as he stumbled out of the pastel green and cream colored bed. In response, the avenger placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "...fine then, darling. I see how it is." muttered Loki.

 He couldn't but help the slight anxious glance to check that he wasn't doing anything wrong by messing around, after all, it hadn't been allowed by Odin.

"C'mon Loks..." murmured Tony after Loki had readied himself.  Loki sighed and combed his hair, before slipping on the sliver ring that locked his love with Tony. 

Ambushing him, Stark gave his ear a sudden nip, causing Loki to shiver and eye his lover fondly. 

They proceeded to enter the kitchen, Steve Rodgers and Natasha  waiting there. Natasha smirked slightly, seeing the redness on Loki's ear. "You took your sweet time to get your ass down here." 

Steve coughed awkwardly. "I- um... made pancakes." Loki raised an eyebrow. "Son of Rodgers, you only make pancakes when you are anxious to break some form of news." "Yeah-! Yeah, what is it?" added Tony. "I'll... tell you after you've eaten..." said Steve, quietly.  

Frowning, all 4 of them sat at the table. Captain America appeared very nervous, tapping his fingers and eating a very meek amount. 

Which, wasn't in character at all, Steve was often ravenous in the mornings. "So... gonna spill?" asked Tony, chilled out and calm as ever. 

Natasha picked up her phone and began texting a number, avoiding Loki's intense looks. The spy and the god had never quite gotten along, and now that she was keeping something from him... it didn't sit well. Steve hummed to himself trying to ease the tension. 

The god could see one of Tony's robot's in the background, stumbaling above his head.

 A new prototype, he gleaned. It's wheel suddenly snapped and down, down, down it fell, smashing into his head. He heard tony holler in surprise as the world went black.


Loki was screaming. He couldn't stop screaming. The little body was at his feet, eyes black, bones pressed against skin. He scrambled into the cell wall in horror.

He couldn't remember what had happened. Who was this child??

Pale, ghostly skin and lime green eyes.

Pointed ears.

A broken body.




Loki woke up screaming again, Tony firmly holding him from hurting himself. "Hey, hey, Rudolf, gonna be okay, deep breath." "A-anthony- I- I- s-s-so sorry-" stumbled loki. "Shhh, it's okay. It's okay." 

After a few minutes (more like 30) Loki had calmed down, and breakfast was over. Steve got up to leave, and Tony cleared his throat. "Forgetting something, America's ass?" Steve balked momentarily before turning to face them. "We found... the body In a H.Y.D.R.A compound, Stark." 

Stark paled, and Loki frowned in confusion. "Whose body...?" he inquired. 

Tony bit his lip. "Loki... love, remember... Pepper?" 

Loki nodded slowly. 

Pepper Pots had been Tony's romantic partner before her capture, courtesy of H.Y.D.R.A, who experimented relentlessly on her to play with Tony's mind. 

After she was rescued, after the full 6 months, Pot's had broken up with Tony. She'd gone missing after that... but she was rumored to have been taken back to H.Y.D.R.A.

Steve swallowed "The body of Miss Pepper Pot's, killed in birthgiving."

Tony's eyes narrowed. "Whose children was she giving birth to?"





"Yours, Tony."

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