Chapter 10

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With the sun arising anew, Golden Katheer glimmered if just a faint reflection of its former majesty upon the Temple of the Dawn's Grace. High Priestess Kamala and her Mujahadin began the laborious refurbishment of what old sandstone blocks of their Temple. Having brushed away loose dust and rubble before demolishing any remaining vulgarities left behind by the routed Filth Drinkers. What sacred oils they had left was used to polish the brass statue of Sarenrae at the Temple's hearth. The helio-centric designs of the roof that upon dawn, midday and sunset, the sun's rays would beam its warmth onto the brass statue giving a brilliant but not so invasive glow. The smiles brokered forth by all the Golarionites that the Desert Rangers had helped

Out of the slough of despair, a new hope arose anew.

"Here, here... freshly baked." Tutoria sat down to a group of emancipated thralls, mostly orphaned children that were once emblazoned to fight under the tyrannical Satrap of Despoilation Bogrus. Upon her hands a basket of warm flat bread kissed with black splotches upon its flesh from a nearby cauldron.

She broke the bread shared it amongst them and happily ate and drank cold and clean water with the young seeds. Even the quizzical Desnan Bard strummed a few playful tunes with her mandolin to their added delight. Denied warmth and provender, the Sarenites charitably shared what they can. Their compassion extended upon these former foes.

"Play more of that shit 'gin Blue..." Isaiah loutly petitioned Navideh. The Junior Ranger lazily kicked his feet atop of a pillar to rest, his body bent into an L-Shape. His eyes traced the religious murals above him whilst his mouth chewed glutinously on a double-stacked roll of flat bread.

"I don't want to even think about anything poo-related for a while Ice." David leaned by a pillar across him, his eyes closed as he allayed his head of stress he had been for the past few days. He let loose his jacket, only wearing his undershirt now he now enjoys a moment of true if fleeting repose after he and his fellow Ranger were thrusted into Golarion.

"Outlander! What did I told you about removing your shoes before stepping foot on the Temple?" Tomos frowned.

"One, not my God, two... Kamala d'ere says until they get rid off'em last Demon gunk off this temple ain't 'Holy' yet." He raised his feet higher against the pillar incorrigibly.

"Desna and Sarenrae are both dear companions to one another. Desna represents the night's tranquility through her dominion of dreams. Sarenrae is the blooming flower that dawn shineth upon the day where we seek to see our dreams, our desires, OUR HOPES. You should be prudent to pay your respects to the Everlights just as much as you do to the Song of Spheres." Tutoria reprimanded Isaiah.

"Nights back at Colorado aren't as all stars and happy campers in my time. Wolf howls and screams."

Navideh stopped her playing and pouted disapprovingly at the Ranger.

"Oh fine... if its you it is... Kinda okay—yee." Isaiah gnashed his teeth. "You know any good eh... Lullabies or something with that guitar of yours?"

"Mandolin." Tomos corrected him.

"Ah-Fuckit!" Isaiah flips off his hands. Navideh didn't pay heed, still happy to oblige another comforting song at this time of repose. "Or Blue." He turned his ears attention to the Sulli Bard as she began to strum a gentle, melancholic tune.

"High Priestess! High Priestess!" alarmed a rushing Cleric who approached Kamala with his skin turned pale and sweat falling like rain upon his damp robes. "There is c-ch-chanting at the Upper Sanctuary."

"There must still be more of the Filth Drinkers still here?" Kamala gasped. "Hiding like the craven rats they are these servants of the Abyss they are!"

[Complete] the Mana-Wilds (A Golarionite Odyssey) #2: Dreams of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now