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Yes hallaur I'm finally back yehey. Tbh no, not really back since I'm FR busy with the events going on around school like- EVERY FUCKING MONTH AND THEN AFTER, TESTS, PETAS, QUIZZES AND FUCKING EXAMS anyways.

Second Person POV:

How did sanemi and you met? GAYS- I'll tell you everything! Basically both you and sanemi met at this one CROWDED place, yes you're right, both y'all met in Tokyo.

You were in one of the restaurants during night, just having a relaxing you time, the place was nice and it was quiet, except the plate tapping sounds cause of the people eating.

"This is nice, a relaxing me time without my parents lecturing me bout' my status as a clan princess"you sighed as you close your eyes, drinking the tea you ordered and after, eating the strawberry mochi.

You had a calm smile plastered on your lips
and savour this moment, loving this time until it was ruined by someone coming in yelling, "Damn it! That bitch got away!".

You sighed, "And there it is, he's here, why? Just why today?." You thought and looked at the entrance of the restaurant, just as you expected, there's the guy with white hair and scars all over his body, you've seen him come here every Wednesday looking annoyed and sometimes just having a relaxing moment and to be honest when he comes here with his friends, he's mostly noisy and kept yelling which annoyed you af but alas we can't do anything to change him cause DNA or Gene shit.

You raised your right eyebrow with curiosity seeing your pink with lime tips haired best friend with him trying to calm the Chihua- I mean- man down, "Mitsuri? Why is she with that man? Are they dating?"You thought, you stared at them for a moment and shrugged, "Welp I don't give two fruit flavored flying fucks if they are, not my life anyways, hope she doesn't notice me I for real need some time alone" you picked up your strawberry mochi and ate it peacefully 'till they walked pass you which ends up mitsuri noticing you.

She stopped on her tracks not caring that sanemi is walking away trying to find a place for them to sit and have their food without him noticing that mitsuri stopped.

"Y/N?"she spoked up, you choked on your mochi and coughed, "Fuck, she noticed me, I SWEAR TO GOD THE UNIVERSE HATES ME"you frowned and looked up to mitsuri with a fake smile.

"Oh! Mitsuri! Yahō!"You gave her a small wave and as a reply she smiled at you, "Y/N-chan! Omg I haven't talked with you in a while! How are you? Oh wait! Before that lemme introduce you to someone!"She excitedly chirpped as she jogged to sanemi and grabbed his hand, dragging him to you.

You stared at her with complete shock, "No no no, MITSURI YOU KNOW I HATE SOCIALIZING WITH CREEP- I mean, PEOPLE!"you panicked but kept a calm aura.

"Huh?! mitsuri! What the fuck are you doing?!"The white haired man yelled at her which she just replied with, "I just want you to meet someone really special to me sanemi-san!"


"Shut up!", You stared at them as mitsuri was trying to drag sanemi to you with an annoyed expression, "she's annoyed? Yep she's annoyed"you sighed.

You weren't really in the mood to deal with an annoyed mitsuri, "I was really looking forward to having a relaxing me time."You plopped your head on the table earning a few attention from people in the restaurant.

"Why Universe just why."You groaned and as if on cue both of them arrived your table and mitsuri's smile grew wide, "Y/N meet sanemi! he's a hot headed close friend of mine but don't worry his sweet"Your pink haired friend introduced the Chihuahua.

"Excuse me, WHEN are WE close?"Sanemi glared at mitsuri as the girl had an ick mark appeared on her forehead trying to calm herself down.

You sighed for 3rd time this night and smiled a bit, "It's nice to meet you sanemi, I'm Y/N from the Kitzuki family".

"blah blah blah, Mitsuri let go in trying to find a seat here!"sanemi yelled and tried to pry his arms off Mitsuri.

The girl had enough and balled her hand in a fist and hit sanemi on the face that made the guy went flying all across the room earning attention of the people in the restaurant,."DON'T GO AND ACT LIKE I WON'T GET MAD BY THE SHIT YOU DO!" she then pointed at sanemi and continued, "YOU MAY THINK IM A SUCH A SWEET GIRL WHO DOESN'T GET MAD EASILY BUT GUESS WHAT PUNK, YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE, I'M POLITELY INTRODUCING YOU TO SOMEONE AND HERE YOU ARE BEING A DICK HEAD YOU STUPID CHIHUAHUA!", Steam was going out of Mitsuri's ears and nose as she was looking at sanemi with a bit of anger.

Your lips formed an 'O' shape, "Alright I haven't seen mitsuri this annoyed but slay queen"You thought as a chuckle escaped from your lips.


"ANNOYING? ME? EXCUSE MY THICK ASS BUT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S MUCH MORE ANNOYING NOW COME HERE AND LISTEN MOTHERFUCK", sanemi then got up and walked closer to mitsuri scratching his head with a frown.

"ok woahh this is not the mitsuri I know, Jesus Christ"I mumbled and got up.

Mitsuri then looked at me approaching her, her expression instantly changed to happy, "Y/N-chan~! Meet sanemi-san, he's a very hot headed guy but he cool" you nodded at her and held your hand out to sanemi, "It's nice to meet you I guess? And I'm pretty sure you already know my name since mitsuri mentioned it to you haha-"You awkwardly laughed and waited for him to shake your hand.

He stared at it with disgust before mitsuri secretly stomped his foot and he groaned in slight pain, "Jesus woman, nice to meet you too I guess"he shaked your hand and then let it go instantly.

You both glared at each other and mitsuri clapped with a smile, "Yay! Trio!", She then wrapped her arms around sanemi and you and dragged you both to where you were sitting and sat down.

"Waiter!"She called out, the waiter came and she ordered along with sanemi.

I sighed and just ate the mochi I wasn't finished eating.

The waiter then left right after he got everything and mitsuri looked at you, "Aight babes it's time to catch up".

You looked up and smiled at her, "Alright." She smiled back at you and you looked over at sanemi and he quickly looked away at you.

You raised your right eyebrow in confusion before looking back at mitsuri and started to catch up.


I don't know what I'm doing anymore but yay I can finally write again since this is the last semester of my school and not much is gonna happen now, so anyways onward to chapter 2!.

"𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙞-𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘" • Sanemi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now