Chapter 14- Sleep Over

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~Tbh POV~

"I forgot you told your mum everything so I was scared about when she walked in on us making out" Blaza says as he sits on my lap facing me, his legs on either side of mine

"yea, but she was fine about me being bi and also she knew about my crush on you" I reply shyly

"that's so cute you tell her everything, I wish I could with my parents but I'm kinda scared of my step-dad, I'm pretty sure he has switched personalities or something because one minute he's being oddly nice and then the next he's being a cunt" Blaza complains and I rub his back

"it's ok now, you can tell me anything ok" I reply and he smiles

"anyway... um how long have you had a crush on me for?" Blaza then asks changing the subject

"ugh... like a month or two, how about you?" I reply and he blushes

"I've liked you for about 3 months now" he answers blushing more

"awww, also what's your sexuality like you never actually told us" I ask and he smiles

"I decided that I was Pan at first but then I realised that maybe I wasn't so at the moment I'm Bi too" he explains and I nod understanding

"I see, cool. At first I thought I was straight but then realised I liked men but then I was like narr I like women too so that's how I decided I was Bi" I explain and he laughs slightly

"you're so funny and adorable" he compliments and my cheeks turn red as he stares at me before leaning in to kiss me so I lean forward too and we slowly start making out again as he pushes me onto my back and hovers above me again as we continue to kiss.

He tries to slide his tongue into my mouth but I deny him access but then he gets annoys and reaches his hand down to my dick and palms me making me gasp which gave him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in, things getting heated pretty quickly.

"knock knock" my mum says from the door so we pull apart before she opens the door and she just see's us sitting facing each other again

"pizza's here" she smiles and we nod

"Ok coming" I reply as she walks out of the room and Blaza and I get up to follow her out to the lounge room.

So do you boys want to watch a movie while we eat our food?" my mum asks and I shake my head

"not really, I just wanna eat then have a shower and go to bed, today was exhausting" Blaza replies and I laugh slightly as my mum smiles

"ok, have a good night then guys, oh and Tb I have some news. I'm going on a date tomorrow night, with a woman. Her names Vada and I'll be out from 7:30 til maybe 9:30-10" she explains and I smile happily at her before handing Blaza my pizza plate and going over and hugging her

"Finally" is all I say when I pull away from her and grab my pizza off Blaza again

"congrats mum" I say and she smiles

"final- I could say the same to you, you haven't dated someone since you we're in year 10" she laughs and I shake my head and roll my eyes

"wow thanks ok" I say and laugh before Blaza and I go up to my room after saying good night to my mum

"I didn't know your mum wasn't straight" Blaza says when we get on my bed and I turn the Tv on

"yea, she realised that she was a lesbian after my dad left when he found out she was pregnant with me and she said she hated the thought of a dick because of him so she turned gay and now has a half gay son" I explain as I bite into my pizza and so does he

"oh wow" is all Blaza says

"I- don't wanna make you upset but you've never told any of us so I wanna know, what happened to your dad?" I ask and Blaza freezes

"He-" he started but sighed

"my mum divorced him because they always fought and he got into some shit with some men but they all ditched him when the police showed up so when they opened the door he was standing in the middle of the room with blood on his fists and a pasted out member of the gang surrounded by money that they had forced him to steal with them. They said if he didn't help them then they would come after me. I was a toddler at the time when they got divorced and all this happened so now he's in jail for 10 years because of those men. I sometimes go and visit him and he seems like he would have been the best dad for me growing up, I would defiantly prefer having him around instead of my step-dad" Blaza explains wiping his eye from a tear and I cover my mouth with my hand

"holy shit, I'm so sorry. no wonder you never told us about him" I reply and he sniffles

"it's ok, I want to go visit him on the weekend so maybe you could come too and meet him" he offers and I smile

"that sounds nice" I reply hugging him once we both finish our pizza and put our plates on the floor.

"I'm gonna go have a shower now if that's ok, I'll be back soon" Blaza says before he gets up and goes into my connected bathroom

"ok, towels are in the cupboard under the sink" I say and he nods before closing the door and locking it as I go onto my phone, joining a call on discord with Nadwe, Muffin, Laff, Ally, and Joocie.

"yes but she's an anime woman, you're never gonna be able to fuck her so stop simping over her" Laff says and I laugh as I turn on my mic

"are we talking about Monika and Nadwe?" I ask, It was pretty obvious they were

"Oh hey Tbh, yea, he was saying how he feels single because Socks and Meme are literally across the hall in Meme's room" Joocie explains and I laugh

"oh ok, all you single people will find someone soon, don't worry" I tell them and they all go crazy

"wait you and Blaza are dating now Oh my god" Ally yells and I laugh hysterically

"yea we are" I admit and I hear them clap into the mic's

"congrats you two" Laff laughs

"thanks guys" I thank them, grinning


After talking for 10 minutes I leave the call because Blaza walks out of my bathroom with a towel around his waist and his clothes in his arms. Holy shit he looks hot like that, and since when did he have abs? holy crap I'm getting gay panic, what do I do?

"d-d-do you wan-want me to get you some clothes to wear?" I ask staring at his body and he grins

"yes please" he replies so I go over to my cupboard and get him a black hoodie and some shorts then walk out of my walk in robe and hand him the clothes as he takes them then turns around and drops his towel and gets changed into the clothes before picking up the towel and hanging it up in my bathroom to dry.

1266 words- any of you guys have story idea requests?

Stolen Heart, Socksfor1 X FatmemegodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang