Chapter 27

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(Harry's POV)

She stopped trying to push for information after that and I was grateful for it.

We sat quietly for another hour or so before I got up to use the restroom.

"I'll be right back." I told her as she nodded

I made my way to the hall in the back and stepped in.

When I was finished I looked up at the mirror.

The bruising was still very noticeable along with a couple cuts here and there.

I looked down at my hands. The knuckles where still red and cut.

Everything was sore but I couldn't complain. I didn't have the right to complain about pain.

I still looked like a mess. I washed my hands and face, and after drying off I opened the door to head back to my seat.

I sat down and continued to stare at nothing.

"Are you feeling okay Harry?" She spoke up from next to me

"What do you mean? Of course I'm fine." I said confused as I looked over at her

"I mean your face, and your hands. Do they hurt?"

Why does she have to be so intuitive all the time.

"They don't hurt. I'm all good." I lied to her

She sighed and looked back out the window. "I know when you're lying too Harry."

My heart sped up. This shouldn't be happening right now. Why am I so excited by the fact that she cares about me? I mean she does right? Otherwise why would she be asking how I feel.

This started as a mistake, I was trying to fix a mistake and not let an innocent person get hurt. But it's way past that now and there's no going back.

We have to stay together, at least for a while so I can make sure she's safe.

But I can't tell her how I feel. If she feels the same way she might not want to leave me, and she has to.

I can't let her get too attached.

The second that this chase for her stops she has to get far away from me.

My life is so screwed up, there will always be a risk being around me.

She can't ever know how I feel about her.

The rest of the hours on the plane were spent by both of us dozing off and staring blankly out the window.

I don't know how I made it through the six hours but I did.

I always hated flying.

I wait until everyone else has gotten up and allow Rova to go ahead of me to exit the plane.

We make our way to the exit of the airport after battling the crowds that filled every walkway.

Luckily we didn't have to wait in the baggage line because all we had were our carry ons.

We exit the airport and head to the taxi line. It doesn't take long for us to get one, which surprises me, but we gladly get in and sit down.

"Where to pal?" The driver says while still looking forward

If he still lives at the same place I went years ago, we'll be in good hands. If not I don't know what we'll do for the night.

I gave him the address that I still had memorized and he started moving forward.

Rova hadn't really talked much since we left the plane. She stayed silent as she stared out the window to watch New York pass her by.


She turns her head over. "Yeah?"

"There's a song I keep hearing. It's a really awful one but I think it's fitting. Will you tell me who sings it?"

"Sure, how does it go?"

I look at the cab driver who is intently watching the road. I don't really want to sing in front of him, so I try to describe it at first.

"Something about New York and a girl sings it, you know."

"Harry there are a lot of songs about New York, you have to give me more than that." She teased

"I don't want to-um- sing in front of him." I whispered the last part as I pointed at the driver

"Harry you don't have to be embarrassed. I'm sure you're a fabulous singer. Plus we'll never see him again I'm sure."

She made a good point.

I started lightly singing the song under my breath, hoping she would catch onto the tune.

"Harry I can barely hear you, sing a bit louder."

Oh who cares. "Welcome to New York! It's been waiting for you!" I belt out loudly

"Can't tell you how many times I've heard that one this year!" The cab driver exclaims as Rova is still silent.

I keep my eyes on her as she smiles widely. "Why do you know that song?" She asks

My cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "I don't know, plays a lot on the radio."

"It's Taylor Swift." She says still smiling at me

She's probably making fun of my singing in her head. "Never heard of her." I say as I look down at my lap

"Oh and Harry?" She continues

"What?" I say, still not making her gaze

"You do have a nice singing voice. I'm being serious." And I could tell that she was by the way she said it

"Yeah kid! Wasn't too bad." The cab driver chimed in

"Kay guys can we stop talking about it now?"

They complied and we went back to sitting in silence. Why did I just do that?

After another couple of minutes I knew we were nearing the street. The scenery around was all too familiar.

I can't believe I still remembered that address, it's been nearly three years since I've even been here. It seems like a lot longer however.

The driver pulls up to a street with small houses all pressed up against each other. He stops in front of one on the right.

"That'll be $16.30." He says as I reach for my wallet. I hand him a $20 "Keep the change."

With that I open the door and step out, holding it open for Rova.

The cab drives away as I stand there and stare up at the front door.

"Well. Are we going?" Rova said

"Yeah. Yeah sorry." I say as we start walking up the stoop.

"Who lives here anyway?"

"Just an old friend."

"Does this old friend have a name?"

I stop once we've reached the door and lean over to press the bell.


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