Chapter 28

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The door opens to reveal a young woman, probably a few years older than me.

"Can I help you?" She asked

"Yeah. Uh is there a Zayn still living here?" Harry asked her

"No, no one by that name. I'm sorry." She said with a slight frown

Harry sighed heavily. "No that's alright. Thanks anyway."

We turn and start walking down the steps as she closes the door.

"He must have moved since I was here last. There's no way I'll be able to find him."

"You don't have a number for him or anything?"

"No I don't. He's probably changed it by now anyway."

We started walking down the sidewalk away from the house when someone quickly rounded the corner.

Their head was looking down at the phone in their hand and they ran straight into Harry.

"Hey man watch where you're going!" Harry quickly spat as the other man looked up

"Whoa sorry!" The other man exclaimed as he looked up.

"Zayn?" Harry asked in shocked

The man looked at Harry and a dismal look crossed his features. "Harry?" He asked in surprise as he stared at his face

"I was just at your house. Some girl said no one by the name of Zayn lives there." Harry spoke

Zayn moved past Harry and started quickly walking in the direction of his house. "Look I can't be talkin to ya mate I'm sorry." He said as Harry rushed to catch up with him, startled his abrupt exit

I followed both of them in haste. "Zayn please." Harry continued "We just need somewhere to stay for a day or two then we'll be out of your hair."

"I'd love to help ya Harry I really would but I can't."

"Why not? A couple years ago you said if I ever needed anything to come to you." Harry said irritated

"Yeah mate but a lot has changed since then. I have someone else to protect now."

"Zayn please, we're in trouble we just need-"

"I know you're in trouble Harry. You wouldn't be here if ya weren't. That's exactly why I can't help ya. I can't have that stuff followin me around any longer."

We had stopped walking and were back in front of Zayn's house.

Zayn had a sorrowful look on his face. I could tell he really was troubled that he couldn't help Harry.

"Come on Zayn I'm begging you." Harry sighed "Two days and we'll be out of here. I just-" He paused "I have someone to protect now too." He said as he glanced over at me

Zayn hadn't really noticed me through this whole ordeal, I was quiet and he had been trying to get away from Harry.

Zayn looked over at me and then ran his hand through his hair while looking down at the ground.

He rubbed both his hands over his face and then looked up to Harry.

"Two days. Then you're both gone."

Harry sighed in relief. "I don't know how I'm going to repay you."

"It's alright Harry. But two days that's it." He said as he got his key out to unlock the door.

We all stepped inside as Zayn locked it behind us.

"Babe I'm back!" He shouted as he set his keys on the front table. "There's a guest room upstairs to the left. You can put your stuff in there." He said to us as I thanked him and started walking to the stairs

"I'll follow you up in a minute Rova. I'm gonna talk to Zayn real quick in private." Harry said to me as I was standing there waiting for him to follow

I simply nodded as I started to ascend the stairs. I desperately wanted to know what he was going to say to him, but I know it's not my place to ask or eves drop. I don't even know Zayn or that girl.

(Harry's POV)

I waited until she had gone up the stairs to turn to Zayn.

"I need to talk to you and your girl before she comes down." I told him in a quiet voice

"Harry you can stay here but my girl stays out of everything." He said back to me sternly

"I just need to make sure we're all on the same page. I know she knows more than you're letting on."

Zayn sighed. "And how would you know that?"

"She lied to us when we came to the house. You have her lying to people Zayn, I know she knows more."

"Fine. But Harry I meant it when I said I can't have this stuff following me around anymore. I'm in a good place, I'm done with that life."

"Then why do you have her lying?"

"You know as well as I do you can never be too careful Harry. I said I'm done with my past but that doesn't mean my past won't come after me. Clearly it might if you're here now. I'm only taking every precaution I can to make sure the worse parts of it don't however."

"I understand. I won't do anything to jeopardize that Zayn I promise. I just need to talk to you both." He nodded as we started walking to the kitchen down the hall.

"How are you babe?" Zayn smiled as he walked over and kissed her on the cheek

I felt a twinge of jealousy run through me. He's getting his life together while I was only tearing mine apart.

He had a house, a girlfriend, probably a normal job and friends.

I snapped out of my daze as he spoke up. "Harry this is my girlfriend, Mia." He said as he grabbed her hand

"It's nice to meet you again." I nodded to her

She looked between me and Zayn confused. "Zayn I thought-"

"I know Mia. You did what I told you too, thank you for that. He's alright. But only for two days." He explained to her

"Mia, I don't know how much you know about Zayn's past and my own, but please whatever you do, don't say anything to Rova about any of it."

"Is that the girl that you had with you?"

"Yeah. She's upstairs now. I just- I haven't told her anything. It's for her own good. So just please be careful what you say around her."

"I understand Harry. Zayn and I will be careful. I know how it is to want to keep someone close to you safe." Mia replied, putting her other hand on her and Zayn's intertwined fingers

"Thank you both. I really do appreciate your help, I don't deserve it."

"Let's not dredge up the past if we don't have to Harry. Looks like you've got enough to worry about as it is." Zayn said sympathetically

"I'd better go check on her now." I looked at my watch. With the time change it was already nearing 8 p.m. I was exhausted and hungry.

I turned to head back to the stairs before Mia called out to me.

"Oh Harry! Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. You and Rova are free to join. We always eat late here because of Zayn's busy schedule." She said jokingly as Zayn stuck his tongue out at her.

Here comes the jealousy again.

"Thanks. I'll go get her."

However, I had a feeling it would be a struggle to do so.

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