Polar Opposites

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*Michealanglo is doing a art piece while hanging out with Rapheal while he trains.*

Rapheal: Hey Mikey? Don't you want to train with me? It would definitely be more useful in the future!

*Slightly offended by Raph's statement he replies*

Michealanglo: Um no thanks I'm good, I'm nearly finished this and I've been doing it for weeks!

*Mikey holds up his Artwork proudly*

Rapheal: Its good Mikey! But wouldn't you rather be getting training over drawing? I know you like it and all but I'm just looking out for you! You need the training what if you get hurt because you haven't got the requirements?

Info: Mikey has been hesitant about hanging out near Raph lately, since the Krang invasion he's been wanting everyone to train all the time. Mikey understands the situation he just wishes it didn't have to interfere with his passion.

Michealanglo: Raph I get it, your trying to get everyone to train more, because your scared of us getting hurt, but its starting to get to me. Could you just, please leave me doing art out of this? I'll train later.

*Mikey walks out holding his art close to his chest*

Rapheal: Mikey, I was just trying to he-

*Raph notices Mikey has left*

Rapheal: -lp...

*Raph sighs looking down he stumbles to the door, the opposite of the way Mikey went.*

Rapheal: Where's Donnie..

*He thinks to himself*

Rapheal: I need some advice...

*Raph slaps his head after realising Donnie is obviously in his Lab*

Rapheal: Hey Donnie! I was ju-

*Rapheal pokes his head through the gap in the door to see Mikey sitting next to Donnie continuing his art as Donnie makes his newest invention.*

Donatello: Hey, whatcha need Raph? And before you say it, yes I did finish training.

Rapheal: Uh well...

*He predicts Mikey is probably ignoring him, so he pauses in his sentence.*

Rapheal: You know what it doesn't matter, you and Mikey have fun.

*Raph tries to get out before he loses it*

Donatello: Hey Raph is something up-

*Raph slams the door and goes to his room to calm down.*

*Donnie turns to Mikey worried as he slowly starts to get what's happening after looking at the mad expression on Mikey's face*

Donatello: Hey, what happened before you came to hang out with me?

Michealanglo: Its nothing important.

*The room goes silent*

Michealanglo: Um...im nearly finished my art, just needs some touching up!

*Donnie can tell Mikey doesn't want to talk about it now, so he admires his art and states*

Donatello: Woah that's really good Mikey! Cant wait to see the finished product!

*At Leonardo's room*

*Leo is reading his comic when he hears Raph's door slam. Knowing the last time he did that he was not in the brightest of moods, Leo stopped what he was doing to see what was up.*

Leonardo: Heyyyyy, what's up grumpy face?

*Raph turns around with a mad expression, yet still looking like he's about to cry*

Leonardo: Woah, what happened bud?

Rapheal: I'm just trying to keep him safe...

Leonardo: Who? Ohhhh Mikey right? Donnie texted me saying he's not in a good mood.

Rapheal: All I was doing is trying to get him to train. After the Krang invasion we've got to stay on are A-game! With him focusing on art, he's not being prepared for what comes next!

Leonardo: I understand, and I 100% agree, its just Mikey still is growing up so I think you should give him a break.

Rapheal: That's the point! He's young and more fragile then us! He needs the training the most!

Leonardo: You make a good point, but for now he's got his mystic weapon which will keep him at the right level to fight, even if he does focus on art more.

Rapheal: Your right, maybe I'm just over thinking it. I'll apologise to him tomorrow, when he's in a better mood.

Leonardo: Yeah good idea, don't forget to get some rest too, buh-bye now!

*Leo walks out of Rapheal's room, glad he changed his prospective on how things went*


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