*meeting the last lamb*

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It was a dark and stormy night. A mysterious figure ran through the Forest the sounds of cult followers yelling could be heard amongst the sound of thunder. The mysterious figure stopped to take a breath tired with all the running. The figure placed a hand on her chest to try to slow to heart beat but was overcome by a pain in her stomach. She placed one of her hands on her large stomach a whispered softly.

???: Please just hang in their were almost their...

She stood their rubbing her stomach to try to calm her unborn child down she stood their in peace for a moment when. He was awoken from her daydream as she heard the voices closing in on them

Follower 1: I heard something over there!!!

Follower 2: don't let her get away!!!!!

The young woman then proceeded to run once again this time faster then she attend to go. Despite what was happening she only had one goal to protect her unborn child. She ran not matter how her body told her told her to stop her legs burned with pain her lungs were of fire and the pain in her stomach wouldn't decrease until finally she couldn't take the pain anymore she new that she now needed to hide. She looked around the forest despite the heavy rain and found a huge gap in a oak tree perfect for hiding in. Without thinking the pregnant woman slid halfway inside the tree and she silently waited.

There was a short silence for a moment but it was ruptured by the loud sounds of monsters running by and followers running pass the tree with there dagger's or axe's. When she knew the coast was clear she got out and breathed a sigh of relief but quickly coresed her stomach out of discomfort's of pain she then feel to the ground on her knees she was groaning in pain and was hissing she felt great fear commsume her when a sharp blade neatly fell at her face she looked up and saw a..

????: A lamb???

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