*-the birth of new life pt.1-*

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Yuna started to wake up with a massive migraine. Her vision was still a little blurry but after a while it started to August she realized that she was in her shack on her bed her hands were banged and her legs were really sore. She was trying to retract her steps to try to figure out what happened until she heard her bedroom door open.

Lambert walked into the room with some food in hand and some of the medicine he forced her to drink yesterday. He sat the food on the nightstand and poured a small amount of the medicine in a small cup.

Lambert pov: so how are you feeling?

Yuna pov: fine I guess w-what happened?

Lambert pov: well your so called escape plan didn't go as planned for you you eventually passed out from all the pain you were experiencing.

Yuna pov: did that effect anything?

Lambert pov: well it did give you a migraine, sore legs and some scratches on your arms but as for the pregnancy you'll be fine so will the baby.

Yuna pov: well ok.

Lambert pov: you need to be a little more careful your being too reckless if you don't start being a little more cautious then something bad may happen.

Yuna pov: ok.

Lambert pov: I also would like to apologize for the things I have been making you do I just wanted to help you out but now I see that to the things I was doing were completely unnecessary.

Yuna pov: it's alright Lambert you were just trying to help out and I thank you for that.

Lambert softly smile and gave her the cup of medicine then left the room. Yuna drank the medicine and felt a little better. she was about to get up when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach she then dropped to her knees and hissed in pain she then felt a wet puddle underneath her grow large. She felt panic comsum her she tried to pick herself up but to no avail the pain was too much. Yuna didn't ok know what to do so all she could do was scream out of help.


Luckily yuna's pleads were heard cause Lambert burst through the door.

Lambert pov: oh oh shit it's happening!!!!

Yuna pov: yea no shit Sherlock!!!!!

Lambert pov: ok I have done this before so no worries just focus on your breathing I'll go get the midwife!!

Lambert carefully placed Yuna on the bed as he ran to get the midwife. Yuna felt a uncomfortable amount of pain as she tossed and turned in her bed Lambert then came back with the midwife.

Lambert pov: ok Yuna the midwife is here just do as he says and you'll be fine.

Yuna pov: HE?!?

Yuna was confused and her heart nearly dropped when she heard a familiar voice.

Yuna pov: narinder?....

Narinder Pov: Yuna?......

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