I Am

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I am not your enigma.

I am not your mystery.

I am not

The manic pixie dream girl

Prettily written out

In the story you write.

I am more than

A symbol of fragility

A figure of distant beauty

A false image of perfection.

For God's sake,

My role here

Isn't merely to be

The one-dimensional love interest

To your character of a young protagonist.

I am an actual human being.

There are layers that make me up:

The good, the bad,

My problems, my ambitions.

Do not diminish me

Into a shadow of a person

With nothing but mindless laughs

And no care in the world

Just because it pleases you.

If you choose to like me,

Then like me for me.

Don't look through a peephole

Or turn a blind eye

At the bad things I posses.

Be it the problems I have with my family,

My tendency of getting stuck to the past,

Or my stupid habit of getting absolutely reckless.

These are a part of me.

They don't define me by any means,

But they're still present all the same.

And if you don't want to acknowledge that,

If you don't want your made-up,

Perfect illusion to be shattered,

Then what's the point?

I refuse to let you

Strip the complicated layers of my being

Just so you can have your figure of a perfect girl.

I am nothing less,

But also




Than a human being.

So start treating me like one.

RomantismeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora