Abusive boyfriend part 7

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*Ghastly POV*
"So your telling us...that lord vile killed all those vampires, saved Valkyrie while you hid, and then he disappeared, skulduggery handcuffed you to the house then lord vile took over again." I stated, slowly. He nodded. We looked at Saracen for a confirmation. Saracen nodded, smiling. "This is good. It means Skul isn't completely gone!" He stated happily. "I think Viles and Skulduggerys deal was to kill Caelan and save Valkyrie..." Anton said, softly. We all nodded. Erskine pulled out his phone and called cleavers totals sanguine back to the sanctuary. "Where is he taking Val!" I snapped. "I don' know! I was just his escape plan!" He confessd, begins for mercy. I sighed, frustrated and nodded. The cleavers arrive and we sat down outside the house. It was quite.

*Val POV*
I was really getting sick and tired of waking up again and again. But I did it again and again. I slowly regained consciousness and heard a muffled voice around me. "Val!" I heard someone yell. I frowned. That sounded familiar. I jut couldn't put my finger in it. "Val! Are you ok?" Someone yelled, frantically picking me up. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a skull. "SKULDUGGERY!" I cried, wrapping my arms around his neck. He sighed and hugged me closer. "Where are we!" I yelled. He paused. "Your house..." I paled. "I'm sorry val....your parents and Alice are dead..... I bolted up, straining against my chains. "Shut up Bitch! I'm trying to watch T.V" Caelan snapped. I softly apologised knowing I would pay for it later. It has been 23 days since lord vile had tried to save me. I hope Skul was ok. "Make me a sandwich!" Caelan screeched. I nodded and walked with my long chains to the kitchen. As I sat about making his sandwich I gazed out the window. I saw a blur, whizz past the window. I frowned. Maybe I was tired. That would explain a lot. I slowly walked back into the living room but dropped the plate and sandwich on the floor. In the room stood Ghastly Bespoke, Tanith Low, Anton Shudder, Erskine Ravel, Dexter Vex, Saracen and.....Lord Vile. Caelan was dead or unconscious and Lord Viles feet. I didn't care. I burst into sobs as Tanith rushed forward, unlocking my chains... I slowly sat up. A dream in a dream. How odd. "Bitch! It's time for shower!" Caelan yelled from upstairs. I frowned at my new nickname but slowly trudged upstairs. 23 days ago I'd seen lord vile. 2 days ago I was tortured for trying to escape. I still haven't recovered. As I walked upstairs I noticed something off in the air. I walked into the bathroom, and was pushed out of the window. I hit the ground with a sickening thud and groaned. I heard Caelan land softly next to me placing a gun one head. I frowned as my vision cleared. They were all here. All of them. I smiled, despite the pain. "Come any closer and I shoot!" Caelan snarled. I frowned again when I noticed Anton was missing. Caelan was to scared to notice. "Take the fun off of her head", a deadly voice growled from behind us. I felt the gun slide off of my head and drop into the grass. "Now, uncuff her!" Anton snarled. The second I was uncuffed, all hell broke loose.

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